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Everything posted by MasterPhW

  1. IMHO the Mortal Kombat franchise added some nice improvements the last few episodes. ANd don't forget all their additional Mini Games, Single Player Mods and bonus characters. I like it, how it is now and really looking forward to the new episode. But I don't think that it'll be released on the Wii. SO I think I'll get it on the 360 than.
  2. DDR is better, because of its physical aspects. You have to be fast with your body and your mind. In GH you only have to press buttons with a extralarge controller, so not that nice.
  3. The next big step in the Wii hacking history was made! The Trucha Signer allows you to unpack and repack Wii Games. That allows you for example to shrink games (e.g. Wii Chess only has 20MB) and also allows you to modify files into the games (you can set Manhunt 2 to UNCUT within a INI)! Discuss!
  4. I like all these oldschool 2D fighter crossovers, so my vote goes to: Marvel vs Capcom 2!
  5. Mmmh? Okay, the critical date is May 27, 1999, so that means Nintendo already has this patent for more than 7 years, and they never did anything against the community, so what's all the tussle about?
  6. Nope, no cross-platform play in Turok. How does it compare to the old ones? Well, I think the gameplay is basically that same thing only heavily refined, while the setup is completely different. The bow and knife kick way more ass than they ever have before, but if you were expecting a real bare-shirted tribal in'jun hero then you'll miss that. This new Turok is basically a marines vs aliens shooter where the aliens just so happen to be dinosaurs and with a slight stealth / hunting element thrown in. To summarise; its a great game IMO but very different to the older Turoks. Meh... Doesn't sound that nice for me... I really liked the old Turok style and I really was waiting for a REAL sequel, not another redefined gameplay, just with the name Turok... Probably I'll "try" it first, before buying it. Because I don't need another new regular shooter for my PC.
  7. Hey, how is the Turok compared to the old masterpieces Turok 1 & 2 for N64? I'm planing on getting the PC port. Will it be possible to play it with the XBox gamers online?
  8. Such games need to be part of Wiis portfolio...
  9. Yeah, heard about that game some month ago and it seems very special and creative... looking forward to it and hope it isn't just another hyped game where the trailer is better than the game.
  10. Don't think so... the port would be to expensive and most of the user will already have it than.
  11. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=92630 Source: http://www.gamespy.com/articles/851/851916p1.html I've heard, that it's a port of both games to the Wii... we'll see what will come. But would be great to see a KOTOR 3 for PC.
  12. LAME... just another Anti Nintendo flamer tries to get some attention!
  13. Atm, it doesn't mean anything, they just showed, that they can use the hack to run unsigned code, but nothing more yet... We have to wait and look into the future to probably see a softmodded Wii to play Security Copies...
  14. Mmh... wonder what was wrong the last few hours, but I couldn't acces the 1emu forum (neosource aswell) was it just me, or did you had some problems? Probably backing up the files for your IP.Board update?
  15. Me and a friend of mine played for nearly 7 hours the main story modus in CoOp, it's great fun and sometimes also really hard. At 48% atm and playing it in hard difficulty. The story is funny, the gfx is great and the fighters are well balanced... But Japanese isn't my favourite language (means: I don't understand it!) so it's sometimes hard to use all the features, like the stickers etc. But IMO a really great game with lots of content and much fun to play!
  16. Wohaa... 4times a identical super smash... Not that nice...
  17. Mmh... the third gen of PSP? I wonder, why $ony always gave there Consoles a new cosmetiv look and try to say: "here is it, a lot better and cooler" but most of the time they only have produced a cheaper version.
  18. is starfox2 actually worth trying?played the first one.....was ok but is 2 more of the same. I don't like flight simulation games regardless so I don't like the StarFox games. I'm guessing it's better than the first one though. Had incredible gfx for it's time. Was also lots of fun! You should try it, if you enjoyed the first game, but should stay away from it, if you dislike such games!
  19. Gravedigging in the new year! A game, that was cancelled before it's PSX and N64 release has been made available! It's called 40Winks and seems to be complete, with great gfx and even expansion pack support! Another fine release by Beta hunter carrot! Enjoy the pics!
  20. One of his "greatest" post was:
  21. Just to revive this thread, you really should read some comments by MooglyTwo, one of the MAME devs or something like that, who thins he's the "uber" coder or anything like this. Give this a read, it's crazy, he seems to think he's some kind of an elite coder or something like this. Wonder what's wrong with him: http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?p=395935 (Sorry to link on another board, but I thought I have to share his comments with all of you!!!)
  22. No, it shouldn't... >.< Probably try a clean installation of no$gba and begin again. Try to search for the proper savetype on the internet, try to use that and save as fast as you can do. Then close the emu and try to load it. If it works, than you can be happy and sure, that you did something wrong last time.
  23. Then you have the wrong save format. It probably goes ingame but fails in saving and loading. Try another one! ^^
  24. No, MAME++ added something more special, it supports the closed source haardware renderers of Zinc and that made the games better looking and a lot faster. Yeah, I totally agree to this. They are great in coding but a lot seems to be stuck up bastards. But MAME++ had really ONE big license disagreement: no sourcecode was released. The other to "don't link to closed source software (kaillera and pete's plugin)" and the Non-MAME games was nice either, but I don't know, why it needs to be closed down and then no new Zinc appears... Btw: they wanted to make Zinc open source wih the new release, probably that's the problem, they have a totally messy source!
  25. Yeah, you have to switch the NDS save type... there are 5 or 6 different types and you have to try them all. One of them will work and let you play the game. Don't forget to save after choosing the NDS save type. Have fun!
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