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Bambi last won the day on December 26 2015

Bambi had the most liked content!

About Bambi

  • Birthday March 7

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    Never heard of it...
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    Anyone even use ICQ anymore? :P
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    BANNED! for being too sexy!
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    I dont like being jabbed.
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    If you have it call me!

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  1. I'm ok but yes the contest is closed as I'm going through a personal matter right now. Can't get into it but I'm good just stressed.
  2. Actually Robert I didn't think of that before. I could order them again but then whichever country of origin the contestant enters from he/she would have to be responsible for getting a converter.
  3. POSTPONED!! I just received my android boxes today and they all have Chinese ac adapters, I sent them back and am awaiting my new USA ac plug boxes. Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience.
  4. Read the opening post.
  5. As long as you have the pages admin privileges pick activity from the tabs then likes bar. Keep scrolling down to see all the names. It will take awhile since you can only see about 6 names at a time.
  6. I can see all the likes and theyre names on FB. What are we looking for?
  7. 1st winner will be announced april 29th 2016!!
  8. To Cominus and Robert since you both posted in this thread your entered now!
  9. So far some of the videos are now up on youtube, search android tv emulator box. Theres about 5 videos so far but im adding more on slow internet. The account is "myschizoaffectivelife".
  10. Im going to upload them to youtube for easier searching. Ill post the link shortly.
  11. It seems that facebook has catalogued my videos into one post, I just checked and theyre public so a quick search for me could show them.
  12. There are about 12 videos and theyre not hard to find. Simply search for "Bambi emu android tv"
  13. Hey! On my facebook page and on 1emulation if you comment or send me a pm telling me why you deserve to get one of these were giving away 4 throughout the new year! Copy paste from facebook, "To ALL! The android box I showed on my page is now being given away to 4 people this year, if you tell me why you want it or deserve it either in a comment or private message you could win one! The first is already given to William Cornelius and will arrive in March to his home! That leaves 4 to go! You dont have to be on my friends list to enter. ANYONE can enter! Be original but not rude. The boxs come fully loaded with everything already installed and a manual for troubleshooting. Tell your friends, tell your family and tell your co workers! Dates are April 29th, June 24th, Sept. 26th and Nov. 11th for drawings to be closed. You do not pay for anything, this is free (even the shipping!). ~ Bambi" You can send all submissions to Bambi here on 1emulation or to Bambi Emu on facebook. To see the videos of it working simply search on facebook for "bambi emu android". Good luck to all who enter!
  14. Dont you have enough to worry about than getting yourself worked up over nothing?
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