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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. When I get bored of it, it'll change to something just as good
  2. I played the demo for this last night, LOVED IT! I can't wait for a us release
  3. I would try it, we have it here in canada but they make it more breaded than fish.
  4. Food and drinks there were expensive, and ya I almost stomp that kid without looking
  5. Don't put so much effort into finding the one, you might miss her while holding onto the wrong one.
  6. point me the way to the free freaky asians....uhhhh for educational purposes of course!
  7. OMG YOU TOO!?!?!? I cant tell you enough how much glasses turn me on! I dont get it! But I hope my wife likes to do it with her glasses on!!!....Sorry got a lil carried away there. I like my glasses on too! Protects my eyes from flying jizz hazards! S-S-S-Stop it! Your comments are too sexy!! lol! I know aren't they!
  8. I do I love Eva Angelina...so hot!
  9. But what about porn stars sites?
  10. So how many of you pay for porn or just get it free? I pay $15 a month for 68 sites how about you?
  11. 10,000 thats a start now get to 30,000 now!
  12. Now they have 5 in shit condition, Prolly the same ones you saw before. I just kept blinking tilt for some reason.
  13. Then lets keep it there
  14. Pics Or It Didn't Happen Who are these people that carry a camera around to document thier life? I only take pics of special events or outings, not sex.
  15. I'll let her know you think so Thanks we looked like wierdos taking all the music machines for our group.
  16. Looks great! Cant wait to see some color on it, maybe a nice design on the side...hmmmmm. 1 suggestion though. buy 2 speaker screens and drill holes to place the speakers facing down, then place a Marquee to hide the speakers with a light behind it for flashy-ness.
  17. I got sick of having pizza, to much of it was enough
  18. DJ Max Technika 3 - its like 2 Ipads stuck together and you play music on it
  19. OMG YOU TOO!?!?!? I cant tell you enough how much glasses turn me on! I dont get it! But I hope my wife likes to do it with her glasses on!!!....Sorry got a lil carried away there. I like my glasses on too! Protects my eyes from flying jizz hazards!
  20. Virtual Rollercoaster! REAL DIZZY!

  21. So we were all bored this afternoon and thought....HEY! LET'S GO TO THE ARCADE!!!!! 3 hours later we were there. I played tons of shooting and racing games but the DDR machine is what got me. Here's me and Kiya playing, I lose horribly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3QbuhOaKWM
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