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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. One of my favorite things to do!!! Every B-day I get a 3-way! So I'm guessing I've had about 5 in 5 years.
  2. I got along with almost everyone in school but after school was over I only talked to about 4 people. To this day I can count on 1 hand about how many friends I have (Or will put up with).
  3. I don't lie or cheat. But I know 60% of my girlfriends do. Not all of us are like that.
  4. I been in a relationship for a few years now, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's nice to wake up next to someone.
  5. I cleared the cookies on the cell, BUT I still get the screen. It's got to be win7 on my cell.
  6. Here is the image of the wierd screen!
  7. So I tryed today to use 1emu on my win7 cell phone but I got a screen saying it was counting users for support purposes. anyone else ever see that or is it my cell?
  8. Lesnar coming back shocked me but there were people at the wrestlemania audience holding signs "welcome back brock" so they were a day early. Must not have been a big secret. I think Lesnar will go for cena like kane did when he came back a few months ago.
  9. Sweet!!! I'll do my best to serve the community! YAY ME!
  10. It also seemed like the rock couldn't keep up with cena. Cena barely broke a sweat but rock was pouring every where just from the walk in.
  11. Thanks it's a good pic of me toned up! BUT onto the results! The rock beat Cena Undertaker beat triple H Sheamus beat Danial bryan (In 18 seconds) CM Punk beat Jericho Kane beat Randy Orton Kelly Kelly beat Eve Cant remember the rest. Its late!
  12. Single player I agree with you, like an rpg is great alone...BUT co-op is like something different, It's a group experience that cant be beaten.
  13. We have aftershave here in canada but it's different than cologne. I like AXE Phoenix spray, smells great and lasts all day. Just don't bathe in it or you smell wierd, a lil is enough.
  14. I played it for about an hour, I never got any new powers unlocked from what I started with. Also I kept getting stuck on random corners when it started getting hectic and bullets were flying. Something I'll wait to buy til its used.
  15. Rock band board game! Fuk Ya!
  16. I'll be buying it on ppv, It's the one ppv I buy and don't download. I'm hoping Cena wins and with Jericho and CM Punk I think Jericho will pull something and win. All his taunting is building to something big.
  17. Hey I wouldn't mind a pink layout! I haven't seen any pranks yet but we don't prank much at work, it's all serious there.
  18. Today is the day, they've built it up for a year but finally it's here! I'll be watching for sure, Anyone else watching?
  19. Can't wait to go drinking and dancing with Ashlee!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alpha


      Ah, very cool! You can if you like... doesn't really matter. I should probably set up the Facebook login system here though.

    3. Skythe


      Pics or it never happened.

    4. Bambi


      Its happening tommorow!

  20. Can't wait to go drinking and dancing with Ashlee!

  21. The Hunger Games - It was pretty awesome. Jennifer Lawrence, the lead actress, is my hero. If I were in her position I'd have done the same thing. I'm an adrenaline junkie and survival is the biggest rush. The military has had an awesome influence on me lol. 21 Jump Street - I laughed my ass off the entire time. Those rookie cops do some funny shit and act just like you think real cops do when no ones watching. Loved this movie!
  22. 21'' laptop? ... Do those even exist? The largest I've ever seen is maybe 17'' or 19''. YUP! They do exist for $900 overpriced dollars... It was from dell. This thing should have been made of gold for what they charge. It's also a widescreen so some sites wrap around it for some reason...wierd.
  23. I have a 21" laptop and a 28" dual screen on my desktop. Very fun to slide between monitors!
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