I'll have to copy everything off it to get it ready for a new HDD. It's not softmodded it has a modchip in it so I'm not sure how I'm going to get it back working again. Prolly have to find someone local to work on it.
I use a Crossover cable from the PC to the XBox. It's prolly not a Firewall issue though. I have 3 XBox 1's set up for different things. The other 2 transfer at normal speeds its the one I use as a Media Center that has the speed issue.
I was FTP'ing everything perfectly until about a month ago the transfers started to go slower and slower to the point now that transfering even 2MB mp3's takes 20 minutes. Is it possible to get a Hard Drive enclosure and transfer files onto it through the USB?
HA! That song was stuck in my head for awhile I watched recently... Series Paranoia Agent Ghost Hunt Boogiepop Phantom Gunslinger Girl Scrapped Princess Movies Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Appleseed '88 Escaflowne
My DVD Drive keeps randomly opening and closing, reseting the system each time. Can I just pull the wires to disconnect it and be done with it or will the Xbox not work without a DVD Drive plugged in?