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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. I'm not a fan of any of the systems, I like them all equally. I had just played Forza 2 and the Dirt demo so when I played Sega Rally Revo it seemed like it was 4 years old
  2. Porn of the Dead was described to me once and I knew I'd never watch it
  3. The "Gentleman's Club" is more a waste of money than anything, I went last sat. nite adn a coke was $5 So in american money it was about $5.10 But all I learned was the guys stare more at the girls who are visiting than the ones working
  4. Beatshifters - More than a Feeling (Club Mix)
  5. I just replayed through Secret of Evermore, They didn't really leave an opening for a second one
  6. Download the demo off the Marketplace, I didn't like it
  7. Boston - More than a Feeling
  8. I've seen the first few Death Note episodes. I never read the amnga but the show seems really good, It's got an eerie feeling all the time
  9. post more funny stories about flocking bitches Umm ya cause we all wanna here about that........ damn straight You saw right through me....... Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought it would happen to me but last nite......
  10. Paul van Dyk Ft. Jessica Stutta - White Lies (Berlin Vocal Mix)
  11. You know my dad taught me that a wussy is a wimp + a *ussy = Wussy Thought I'd share
  12. Let just say he has plenty of time on hand to do some photoshopping and post it online. The result is.......... not nice. Interesting. Well he wouldn't do that to me hopefully because I use photoshop 40 hours a week. Which reminds me... I just colored a cover for a Naruto chapter because i've been looking at the art threads in narutofan forums and their... sometimes decent, sometimes not so decent artwork. Can I post it here or is there an art image section? I would not mind at all if you photo shopped a picture of me. Do whatever you want. The ideas i just got.....prepare to be rainbow brite by the end of the week fatal
  13. post more funny stories about flocking bitches Umm ya cause we all wanna here about that........
  14. I'll agree with you on the hair being awesome
  15. There's a Silent Hill zombie sex scene on it too.....ewww dead nurses
  16. WHoo 1 down 1 to go.......Red Roveer Red rover we call GameCop over Evil or not...
  17. I honestly thought that movie was hilarious. One of my all time favorite movies. I thought the zombies doing it was gross, I kinda laughed when she ate her ear in the beggining though I thought the Zombie sex was genius, it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It tuned me on!!! jk But seriously it was an awesomely funny scene that made the movie even more of a classic. The zombie baby was disgustingly cute too. But the movie itself really wasn't gore < GORE. That's why I was saying naked blood was a freaky gross movie cause it looked so real and I could actually picture in my head it happening for real
  18. I honestly thought that movie was hilarious. One of my all time favorite movies. I thought the zombies doing it was gross, I kinda laughed when she ate her ear in the beggining though
  19. Well Gamecop post it already.....
  20. I know that. But its not a simple matter when the girl is one of sister's friends. If I had a brother instead that would be one a different situation. I'd rather not test any water like that at all. I wouldn't care if my brother hit on my friends, People get lonely Well I know my sister would if I did to one of her friends. They usually treat me like the younger brother anyway because i've known a lot of them for a while. Its kind of lame but eh.. *shrugs* Oh and nice picture. My ex is canadian too. ;] Always nice to see girl gamers around. That's the perfect in to get well....in. They already trust you Thanks for like my crappy work pic
  21. Solu Music Ft. Kimlee - Fade (Slipmatt & Billy Bunter Mix)
  22. I know that. But its not a simple matter when the girl is one of sister's friends. If I had a brother instead that would be one a different situation. I'd rather not test any water like that at all. I wouldn't care if my brother hit on my friends, People get lonely
  23. Ah, You did say it and didn't show yourself
  24. It had lots of blood but not what I'd call gory, Except the lawnmower part
  25. Naked Eyes - Always something there to remind me (Cause Fatal Rose sent it too me )
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