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  1. how did u get it to run? plz tell
  2. same here, it's only 10.81 with tax
  3. modded xbox (complete roms set for snes, genesis, gameboy advance, mame, gameboy color, game boy mono, wonderswan, atari 2600, atari 5200, atari 7800, atari lynx, turbo graphic 16, colecovision, intellision) also have 58 xbox games modded ps2 w/ 48 games and 98 ps games dreamcast w/ 150 had a ps and n64 but give those away, bought a gamecube and return it the next day, didnt like the controller and games i played for it..
  4. my mom shop at one of the store that had the recall meat, god i hope she didnt buy any there.. on the cow brain thing, a lot of bay area mexican restarunt sell cow brain dish, and most of them don't care about the mad cow disease..the customer, that is, crazy!!
  5. anybody found an easier way to play the rom on kawa-x plus?
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