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Explosive Misanthropy

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Everything posted by Explosive Misanthropy

  1. If I were a dude, I'd pee on someone whose looking into my stall.
  2. and transvestites, apparently....
  3. I beat the twilight Princess Game for the Wii, It was pretty fun, and it looked good since I have a nice TV at my parent's house, (the Wii is my mom's). The Game was cool, and I liked it. I do not, for the love of God, do not like ANY super smash brothers games....but that's just me. I haven't really played any other Wii games....although, Wii Sports caused my Wii to cease up, and then not start again. So we sent it back in to Nintendo, and they were real good about it, and we had a new one in like a week. Tell you what though, we didn't play Wii Sports again....
  4. What...Wha-what? This is crazy....These people are nuts...how can they do this on TV? I am embarassed for them!
  5. not all girls are Evil...Some are only a little evil. I try not to be "evil" But hey, sometimes crud happens...it's in my nature? But hey, whose to say I don't try?
  6. I keep coming back because of Fatals gay flip flops.....hahahaha
  7. Let me vouch for us ladies.....haha! just kidding! I hate girls who are butt heads...I hate em. I try not to be one, but since I am "blessed" with being a girl, I'll sometimes act stupid.....hey..what can I say...I'm just a girl. But that whole "How do you like the way I look" crap is silly.
  8. oops logged on as my girlfriend.......
  9. Who...me? haha....I am a meany head betta watch yo backs, suckahs
  10. I live in FL...I don't think that "Mountain" lions are indigenous to here, Well, my equilibrium is all messed up, and sometime it feels like my body is all stretched out, and sounds become visualizations. It's really weird, and it's happened to me since I Was a kid...so...no drugs here....haha but sometimes when I have those "spasms" like that, it feels like I am sideways, or my bed is all wavy, it weird, a few times it felt like my bed was being lifted up off the frame, but there was no noise, so I knew it was me just spasming.
  11. Since I don't drink or do drugs, there have been many time where I was sent home scott free. My ex wanted to smoke in his van, and I was driving, Now, like I've said, I don't have a license, so he wanted me to stop somewhere so they could smoke. Now, I am sitting in the driver's seat, playing with the radio with my seatbelt on. I see a cop roll up and I'm like, "Hey, hey...hey, a cop! hide your sh*t!!" So they fumble their weed around for a little while, dropping some on a skateboard, I also undo my seatbelt so she doesn't know I Was driving. I light up a cigarette because I was the only one legal to smoke at the time. She comes up to my window and I roll it down. She asks me if I was driving, I say, "no", and as she's asking me this, all the guys in the van tumble out of the door. She sees all their weed some come billowing out, and she calls for back up. My ex, who is very...defensive, and when the other cops pull up, K-9 and all, He asks, "man...why do you have to bring all these other cops?" to which she replies, "there are 4 of you and 1 of me, and you are all bigger than I am." So this gay cop comes up to the car and asks to search it. My idiot ex boyfriend crossed his arms and said very matter-of-factly, "Yeah, you wont find anything bad in there." and sure enough, within maybe 2 minutes the cop was testing the weed that fell on the skateboards, and found a baggy of stems and seeds...haha Everyone but me got in trouble, and were all sent home with their parents....well...except me of course, they told me that I could leave whenever I wanted to, because I didn't lie to them, and they could tell I wasn't high as sh*t. Oh, and another thing, they wouldn't search the van with dogs because there was too much food on the floor and they were worried the dog would eat it and get sick. Later my ex and I cleaned out his van and found a baggy of weed, about $8 dollars worth, and a baggy of coke and a straw to go with it. We ended up flushing it. But if he'd been caught with all that in his car he'd be more in trouble for sure, than just a warning. Another time, we got pulled over, my ex and his friends had just bought some Sparks and were gonna go drink them behind some building, and what not, and just as we were pulling in, a cop pulled us over. He then said for us to get out, and that he was going to search the car. We said he couldn't. Then he told us that we'd seen too many CSI shows....asshole....anyway, he searched the car and found the sparks, and made my ex dump them out. We didn't do anything about him illegally searching the car because he let us go with the alcohol. My friend was with us as well, and she has a big ass....okay, she's a white girl with a black person's ass...anyway...The cops were searching us, none of which were ladies, by the way, I told the cop that he couldn't touch me because I know that it's illegal for a male cop to touch a female, and that I would gladly empty out my pockets so he could see what I had, and take off my shoes and socks. But, he had searched Kim first, and touched her ass...not in the kind of "I'm searching your pockets" kind of way either. When I got arrested for stealing back when I was like 15, I got picked up by the cop, and he cuffed me and put me in the back seat. The whole ride up to the juvenile attention center (JAC) I talked to the guy, and bothered him. I also flipped my handcuffs around, and scratched my face, then flipped them back around. ( I know that if you do that and they catch you, they can taze you and say that you were resisting arrest) Also while I was in JAC I made fun of the cops and mocked one of them. Back then, my shoes had duct tape laces in one shoe, so they couldn't take my laces out when they put me in the cell. So, they gave me these mad ugly orange flip flops that I threw off my seat and hit the wall with. What I didn't know was that they could hear me, and I was sitting in there, singing....about cops...haha When they release kids, you know, they kids are usually all upset, and sad, or mad or something...not me...when I got out, the cop was laughing with me, and he told my mom that he liked me, and that he wanted me to come back and visit him sometime.....what?! Yeah, I am just that likable I guess...
  12. I think I know what that is. Sometimes, right before I go to sleep, right before, I'll get jolted. It sometimes feels like that. I cant remember the scientific aspects of why it happens, but it does. Like I sometimes feel like I tripped on the sidewalk, or like I've fallen. Sometimes it feels like my bed is at a 90 degree angle on my wall. It's just something that happens to people...like my sister would fall asleep in class, and right before she'd fall asleep, she'd leap up and yell. Well...Something weird that happened to me was once when I was younger, like 12 or 13, I was walking over to my friend's house to stay the night (she's my neighbor), and in the space between our two yards I heard something really weird. It was almost like gurgling and jumbled up words being screamed at me. The best way I could describe it would be "jarble" this...thing...jarbled at me...it was scary as hell. There was no way I could have imagined it either. It was like someone was standing in the yard with marbles and jello in it's mouth, screaming at me...it also didn't sound like an animal, or even a person for that matter.... I ran into my friend's house and asked them if they'd heard it too, cause, my god was that thing loud... Her dad was like, "oh that's scrat!" Apparently my friend's family was having an infestation of these little mammals that looked like squirrel-rats. They said that they'd never seen anything like it either, but her dad would feed them cat food...but the weird thing that gets me about the situation is that this screaming I heard was coming from my point of view, not from the ground or from in a tree...whatever it was, it was close to me, and was at my height. Another thing about that...thing was that the same night I heard it, we all heard it again. Now, I know what cats fighting sounds like, and it wasn't that, or raccoons...but we were playing some 3DO (that game, D) and I was like, "Guys...mute it..." and we all heard it. We heard it for a little while after that night. like maybe a month.... Once, my friend and I were going to spend the night out on my trampoline. We had a radio out there as well as some blankets. Anyway, we were sitting on the trampoline talking about something, and she stops mid sentence, and the flood light in my neighbor's yard goes on behind me. I turn around and there's nothing there. She says to me, "Run! Go inside!! I don't know what that was, but run!" so we get up and run inside my house. She later tells me that it was some kind of animal that was low to the ground that was tan colored and had really long fur. She said it was really big, too, and had a huge, heavy tail that dragged on the ground. She also said it's body was about the size of my ottoman. The next day we went outside to get the radio, and it was unplugged, and looked like it had been kicked around my backyard. The speakers where strewn about all over the place, and the radio itself was flipped over. It was all real weird. Oh, here's something that's explainable, but weird as hell.. Some kids were out in my friend's backyard, (still my neighbor) in a trailer, having a party. One of them heard something grab the fence from my yard and do what sounded like jump over it. They heard rustling in the leaves behind the trailer, and the guy who is now my ex, ran out with another kid, thinking it was someone who was an escapee (My neighborhood sometimes has runaway convicts run through it not often though) So they get out and what they see is something someone couldn't just imagine. They saw in front of them....a monkey. A straight up monkey. He said it was light brown, and had a thick red collar around it's neck. They said that they chased it around the yard until it jumped over the fence. He said that he knew it was a monkey for sure when it turned around, and held up it's arms in that stereotypical monkey way. My friend Robert, was in his room one night, and heard some rustling in the leaves by his window, and then something...like a hand, slapped his window. He ran outside, thinking it was one of us playing a joke, but when he went outside, he didn't see anyone, but he heard something jumping the fences of the yards. My dad also saw it run through my backyard. and my neighbor saw it a few times jumping some fences across the street. man....
  13. Orlando, FL has progressively gotten worse over the past few years. My brother's friends are drug dealers, and a few of them had a gun pulled on them when the guys they were getting it from wanted the money, and didn't want to give up the weed. They got some of the money, and a friend of mine still had $1200 rolled up in the band of his boxers. The guys pulled the guns out and demanded more money, and they were like, "dude, the rest is in the car" One guy went to go outside with them, and the others had to stay inside. This one kid I know whose the ballsiest of them all, punched one of the guys with the gun in the face, and took his gun. He checked it, and it was empty. Then, all the rest of the guys I know started to fight back, but one guy did have bullets in his gun, and shot a few times up at the ceiling. I'm not sure but I think my friend pistol whipped him. Either way, they got out with $1200, and they also jumped off the second floor stairwell of these apartments. Another thing, when I was in fourth grade, my friend Todd, who, by the way has the worst luck of anyone I have ever met...anyway, he was riding his bike home from school, and this guy stopped him, and held a knife to him, and told him to give him his bike. Todd promptly did so, and the guy still stabbed him. I think it was his side...Todd later told me what he said to the guy, "I already gave you my bike, you didn't have to stab me..." I He told us this while laughing, so the line is humorous to me. My friend has a girlfriend who isn't all that bad looking...well, at least she wasn't until she got all strung out on all sorts a drugs, anyway, this guy who was like 11 years older than her was touching her inappropriately, and she told her boyfriend, who was with my brother, and they went over to the guy and tackled him to the ground, where he proceeded to fight back, and get onto my friend's back and stab him. He's okay though. Another friend of mine was driving his car on a main road down here, and saw that these greasy Italians where tailgating, and bumping into this old lady's car, scaring her.... He rolled down his window and yelled at them to stop, and to make matters worse, my friend, who has a hard time keeping his mouth shut, proceeded to yell derogatory things at them, and at which point the guys in the car did the same. So my friend decided to try to out drive them, and get out of there before they started to bump his car too, or something. So, he stops at a red light, and the Italian gangsters roll up, and pull out a gun and shoot a few into the air. That stuff about when you were babies, my friend was kidnapped when he was a baby because his mom and dad couldn't pay for their drugs, so they took him for like a week. And they held a gun to him, to this day, my friend hates his parents, and black people. World's a scary place, I'm just glad that none of that crap has ever happened to me.
  14. Yeah, what he said. wait...What shorts?
  15. How many pairs of gay flip flops does he own? haha
  16. I am 6 feet tall...and a lady never tells her weight.... Oh, and don't ask me if I play basketball. I am just a tall girl, that's all.
  17. just those that are andiginous to Florida...I think they're called Annal lizards or something....weird if you ask me...they don't look like butts
  18. Hey Hey.... What I did isn't a talent!!! I'm just a well accomplished pig. Who hides his weight well. Could you guess I weigh 225 lbs? Well anyway, don't make me think of something to post here again so soon, I'd hate for this thread to turn into jackass..... I hate that show...... And yea, chubby ones need a limit. It should also say get off your ass and go play outside..... for fun to the max. When I come over, you want to see how many I can fit? I doubt that it's 35 like supasoaka said, but whatever.....wait.....they're food, in your apartment.... so...my guess is, is that they're gone. Long gone.
  19. Seeing as how I have dial up at my parent's house, I cant watch the video really...but seeing as how I taped it, I dont think that I need to really see it in order to leave a comment. It was truly a strange sight, seeing my boyfriend stuffing those all in his mouth.... But hey...I told him to do it.
  20. WOOOWW...That's seems like a full of yourself kind of way of putting it? I hope you're referring to the style of realism, against that of Anime/Manga style art...Which, in it's own respect is art. You can't go off and call something that someone really enjoys making "fake". Because I'm sure you draw because you like doing it, perhaps love it. I don't you think that by putting other people's artwork down, and calling it things like that, really isn't cool...I'd think that an artist of any kind could appreciate the fellow artist's art work...whether it's realism, abstract, 3d, anime....any of it! Art is what the artists makes it. I just don't think it's fair of you to have titled this thread as "What about this? real Art" Now, I'm only defending it as a fellow artist. I don't really draw in that fashion. I am a photographer and 3D sculpture artist more than anything else....I just found it rather egotistical way of putting it, that's all....
  21. How lame and stereotypical is it that the first I watched was Pokemon? Wooow...I don't watch it now, but I play the game more often then not.
  22. That is weird...... Heh, I remember a kid when I was in 3rd grade. He would stand at the urinal, and pull his pants all the way to his ankles to pee. I always thought that was weird. Wait a minute??? Why are we talking about this? Were getting off topic I don't care, when I was helping my friend's little brother get potty-trained, he would take his pants off and stand on the toilet to pee....That's weirder I think. Oh, and once when I was visiting some people in NY, I was using their bathroom and their son came in and said he had to pee. I was like "dude...I'm almost done..." He said to me, "It's okay, my mom said that if someone was using the bathroom, it's okay to go in there and pee in the bathtub." First off I think his mom meant family members...not family friends..... second of all I want to let you know that this wasn't recent, I think it was the same time I was in NY and cut my forehead shaving.... He was 5 or so....so don't think he was some kinda perv or something haha
  23. "Arson investigators first talked to the boy's parents on Oct. 22 after determining the blaze began the day before in the back yard of their Agua Dulce home, Brown said. The home was not damaged in the fire, Brown said. Investigators initially considered a downed power line as the source of the fire, but never officially listed it as the cause. The blaze, which spread quickly through the neighborhood, was among 15 or so major wildfires that destroyed some 2,100 homes and blackened 809 square miles from Los Angeles to the Mexican border last week. Seven deaths were blamed directly on the fires, six evacuees died of natural causes and one person died of a fall". I find it funny that his own house wasn't even effected. Talk about Irony...this kid helps in the destroying of 2100 houses, and not only was his house not destroyed, it wasn't even damaged....
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