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Explosive Misanthropy

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Everything posted by Explosive Misanthropy

  1. If someone came up to me and said that....I think that'd be like, "uh......" and say, "oh, someone's calling me..." and walk away...cause that's a weird one In a normal case, yes...BUt when you have a sexy voice of my caliber, such fears are erased. ALthough some would prefer the more subtle: *gives girl a picture of me* "It's a gift your eyes were begging for.." Geeze...what a cheese ball..... I hope you aren't serious.... That's the kind of thing that would make me nervous, I'd think you were some kind of perv or weirdo.... Then again, I'd love to be a guy and do pick up lines on chicks...although, being a girl you don't really ever have to do them, cause apparently they're a lot of desperate guys out there...unless of course if you're a fugly chick or something....I also don't do the party scene. A. I'm not old enough to drink in clubs B. I dont go to clubs C. Any time I was drunk I hated it and I hate the smell and taste of all alcohol. D. I don't do drugs, and I tend to not really like the people in that scene who do them. E. when I used to do drugs, I just felt stupid. So there are my reasons as to why I prefer not going to parties or clubs. but either way... Shoma, you're weird....not that being weird is bad....trust me
  2. Hey, I just didn't like it. I tried to...but, I couldn't get into it. I thought it was lame...Then again I was like 11 when I played, and I haven't played it since then, maybe my views about would change if I played it again. I just remember it being lame.
  3. Guess I'm not as geeky as you guys are....and I misread the title I suppose.
  4. Superman sucked on the N64, and so did that game where you're a parachuter or a hang glider, and you have to land on targets or something....that game sucked. So did the Pool game. Also, Monopoly...well, actually....I just hate monopoly..... D for the 3DO was pretty lame. So was Night something or other....I cant remember the name right now, but it's the one with the spies, ogres, and vampires. WHAT KIND OF GAME IS THAT?!?!? might as well have made a game with Trolls, Keebler Elves, and some demons...it woulda been just as whack.
  5. I shave my legs and whatnot in the shower, I don't need a mirror. I did have my forehead once when I was a kid, and cut myself, but that was in a mirror outside of the shower
  6. I have played some pretty horrible games before, like Back to the future I&II, Home alone II, Star Trek, and Where's Waldo on the NES. Those are just 4 games that sucked from back in the day, but what are some more that just made you want to break the cartridge/disk after you played it?
  7. Michael Jackson looks like my friend's mom.....weird
  8. My mom was an opera singer, and my dad plays blues guitar, Ive just always been musically inclined. I play drums, guitar, and bass. My sister plays guitar and sings, but is going to be a dentist, a waste, I think. and my brother used to play guitar, but he sings occasionally for my church. I just have a really musical family.
  9. Pervs are people who molest kids who don't now better. It's the guy who grabs a boy's ass in a movie theater. It's a guy who looks into some girl's window while she's changing, with binoculars. That's a pervert. People who have to do crazy stuff or watch crazy stuff in order to get off, they aren't so much perverts. You watch porn, so be it, because anyone who is of age pretty much consents it. We live in a world of perverted people. Before Rome fell, it was okay for you to have sex with little boys if you gave them a gift first.... It all has to do with who accepts it. If it were okay, according to law to watch kiddy porn, then it would be okay to do so, it might not make you a perv, if everyone's doing it, and it's not against the law. People are just crazy
  10. This kid down the street from me sold his Playstation 3 box for 7 or 800 dollars.... He said on ebay, "Playstation 3 box, starting bid $5" and it went up really high, and someone bought it and he shipped it to them, obviously, when the guy got it he freaked out. He contacted them and was like, "YOU GAVE ME THE BOX!!!" the kid then said, "That's what I said it was. I didn't lie to you." The kid got to keep the money, and they guy got to keep the box. He couldn't sue the kid, the kid was right.
  11. I'd think that Star Wars is one of the biggest known movies in the world....heh..let alone, the UNIVERSE... My favorite one is the one where Han Solo gets whatevered in that block of whatever.... And Jabba always scared me....he was so gross, and slimy, and I didn't like his mouth...don't ask. I love the old star wars better than the new ones.
  12. I used to brush my teeth in the shower all the time. I shave in there too. I have peed in the shower a few times, but I prefer not to. It is a little weird, and slightly uncomfortable, even though they say that urine is an antibacterial of some kind....and as far as pooping in the shower, what would be the point, how could it fit through the drain holes? You'd have to step on it and squish it through.... But yeah, brushing your teeth in the shower isn't weird at all. Maybe if you ate food in the shower, that'd be weird.
  13. I didn't know "Belthasar" last year, but I did go to the mall the next day. Since I live right there, in walking distance, and have been going to that mall my whole life, it was really weird. People were saying that the kid was on drug, that he had a fight with his dad, that his girlfriend broke up with him, or kids were making fun of him at school. I think it was the fight with his dad, because they had said on the news that the kid had a fight with is dad about money around 10 then a half an hour later, he was driving his car in the mall.
  14. If someone came up to me and said that....I think that'd be like, "uh......" and say, "oh, someone's calling me..." and walk away...cause that's a weird one
  15. I think the craziest thing that I've done while driving...is driving without a license. My brother on the other hand who, I might add doesn't have a license as well....and is 2 years younger than me, has done some pretty whack stuff... Once, He was driving me somewhere, and I was in the back seat, and he decided to fishtail around a corner...since the road was wet, he slid into some guys yard, in my neighbor hood, and ran over his mailbox, completely flattening it. Also, he was driving my mom's car (yet again), and was in a Wendy's drive through. He thought that the car in front of him was a friend of ours and bumped their car.... You could guess what happened next....The lady got out, and was furious. My brother backed out of the drive through, and drove backwards out of the parking lot, so she wouldn't see the plate, and when she wasn't in sight anymore, corrected himself and drove away.... Another time, he was driving these girls around, and trying to impress them with his "driving skills" and was fishtailing around on this dirt road, lost control, and slammed into a wooden fence, denting my mom's hood, and cracking her windshield... I don't know if the girls were too impressed, cause I know if I was in a car with a boy who did that, I'd be embarrassed for him. Then there was the time when he was at our old elementary school and thought he could drive between the posts of the buildings...he knocked off my mom's passenger side view mirror.... But I hate it the most when kids think they're stunt drivers...A friend of mine was recently killed in a car accident, and so now I am worried whenever my brother drives..... His friends also think they're amazing drivers. One of whom was driving his truck around in some empty field and took a turn that was too sharp, and flipped the truck....which proceeded to roll a few times...then land back onto it's wheels....and he drove away... Another friend of ours who owned a VR4, crashed into some trees, completely destroying the car. The Car T-Boned a tree, and bent in half....luckily he was okay. I think that kids should stop thinking that they're invincible, and be more precautious in what they do.
  16. whaaat!? if that was true, I would have died from ramen overconsumption by now ;p You guys are complaining about what salt would do to you! What about a drink with a dead lizard in it...I don't know..an aneurysm or something....but I do know that lizardy beverages cant be good for you.
  17. WHAT! oh my god, that's great! The only things I ever ate...or drank....for money was this: Mellow yellow Hot sauce salt sugar soy sauce ketchup banana creamer duck sauce and...to top it all off...a lizard....(I didn't drink the lizard, he just floated in the bottle) and I shook it all up... and took a sip for $6 Later, I threw the bottle of grosses, and the cap came off and some of the stuff got in my eye.....and quite frankly, it stung also, I drank a cup of water ketchup cheese salt fries chili pepper juice pepsi pepper and cheese burger grease... yeah...$2 Now don't get me wrong....I don't really do this stuff anymore, unless I am compelled to do so, and I was also 14 or 15 at the time of all this drinking weird stuff....
  18. The loading screen are SOOO LONG!!!! oh my god...I fell asleep once while I was playing GTA, during one of the loading screens..... but I do like the aspects of the rest of the PSP
  19. While I was drawing up a picture of "Belthasar's" Avitar, and he looked over at me, and says, "What is that weirdness?" "what weirdness?" "that weirdness you summoned.." "Weirdness I summoned?" "Yeah, that weirdness you summoned on the TV" (his computer monitor is his TV)
  20. So you can plug it in.....
  21. Hannah Montana game for the DS? *GAsp!* "HOw does she know!?" BUt no, my dear!! THere isnt a game alive I wouldnt dare deny most, which is this one! I'm referring to the sexy DC! And the most sexiest game! PRoject Justice!!!YOSHA! If only they had online play!! Is it really "sexy"?
  22. "has anyone seen my little pink turd?" That movie was....I don't even know how to put it....because gross is an understatement..... sex with a chicken in the bed, some fat lady in a crib eating eggs..... Some dude impregnating chicks in his basement...tying a hot dog to his weener..... crazy...
  23. Occasionally Ill get a craving for vinegar, and will drink Italian salad dressing. Balsamic Vinegar straight from the bottle is good too. I was on the phone once with someone and I was curious as to what all the condiments, and other things tasted like, so I took a swig from each. Like White Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, some BBQ sauce, Soy sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Olive Oil, Amaretto coffee flavoring, Vanilla, Lemon Extract, Almond extract, something made out of Barley(it was a green powder), and a few other things along those lines....What was I thinking?
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