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Everything posted by Salorskin

  1. Here are some pictures I took a while ago. I didn't realize until now that my poses are very similar... eh. I was also obsessed with these really comfy pajamas -
  2. HAHAHAHAHA word. But seriously guys, whoever thought of this is quite possibly the funniest person alive.
  3. I'm really think some of the women JKK has been posting are pretty beautiful. I dislike their hair, but eh.
  4. Keep it on your computer, I want to watch it again next time I go to your house. Oh, and I advise everyone to watch it as well. It's amazing and has so many classic scenes in it...
  5. HAHA guess who wants to have a night on the town with me?
  6. Did he mention this occurred next to a high school field?
  7. Dude those are his socks and underwear! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I remember going back to see that crap... Ryan, it looked like pudding, you should have eaten it.
  8. I do it all day everyday! YEAH! Nah, but really I do it every once in a while to relieve any stress I'm feeling. Or if I'm feeling extremely horny and haven't had sex.
  9. Ugh... I really hate Aesop Rock... the rest are meh pretty much.
  10. Anderson Silva's from Pride. Anyways, a lot of UFC fighters that fought in Pride had lost in the past. The rules difference is a huge factor and it takes time to adjust.
  11. HAHAHA he took the fight in like a week or two days notice! Anyways, if it shows anything noteworthy it's that Lesnar has a good ground and pound... IF it even shows that. We know nothing about Lesnar's stand up game whatsoever. He's a mystery man.
  12. Fox News? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHQAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA hahahhahahahhaHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAA Fox News is conservative propaganda plus shoddy journalism and a knack for completely missing the point on just about any story out there.
  13. Perhaps you're distorting the line of good stand up and old fashion gas outs here my friend. As far as I'm concerned we have yet to see anything amazing by Lesnar...
  14. Alright, I have a question -- This girl at work and I have become very close. There's some attraction mixed in, but most of the time we just talk about relationship issues, joke, pretty much have fun. She has told me a few times that she wants to go to a club with me and even asked me to the movies once (she stated that she had to go to bed before I clocked off since she needed to wake up at five). Should I subtly pursue anything or should I just go with the motions?
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