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Everything posted by lilracerboi

  1. did u check the box in the Remote tap under System Properties?
  2. no i meant to USE nitro hax on the DS GAMES on max overload. Allow me to clarify. So, you've got a Max Media Dock/Player. You patch a commercial DS ROM with Max Overload, and put it on your MMD/P. Now, if there is a DLDI file for the MMD/P, you should use it to patch the Nitro Hax .nds file before you put it on your MMD/P. If there's NOT a DLDI file for your device, then you can't use Nitro Hax. Simple as that. NO i meant use nitro hax on the max overload patched ds roms.
  3. no i meant to USE nitro hax on the DS GAMES on max overload.
  4. i was wondering if i can use nitro hax with max overload. does any know if i can
  5. Any good snes games out there.
  6. and how do i do that?
  7. hi i got an genesis emulator and i need so good games =).
  8. Hey,i really need help with my mmd usb cause when ever i plug it in my computer detects it but it dosent show it on MyComputer. if anyone knows how to fix it please reply.
  9. if any one knows how to boot up the mmd on fwnitro please reply.
  10. is there any way to play gba roms with the max media player?
  11. i need help with using the programming mode for fwnitro is there anyone who knows how to use it?
  12. If the "load NDS through NDS cart" feature doesn't work, I guess you should look in to uninstalling fwnitro. Yeah but i cant uninstall it cause it wont boot my R4 and since im 13 i cant order a gba flash cart =( Not sure what your age has to do with that, but if you have an R4, why not get a GBA flash cart from the same place you got the R4? i live in Kansas but i got the R4 at California
  13. If the "load NDS through NDS cart" feature doesn't work, I guess you should look in to uninstalling fwnitro. Yeah but i cant uninstall it cause it wont boot my R4 and since im 13 i cant order a gba flash cart =(
  14. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. well dont go mad i got the way how to work it with any win2ds. here are the steps on how to get it working on the r4 1. download any win2dsand put it anywhere on the r4 2.go to control panel and click on 'System' 3. and click on 'Remote' and turn on the remote assistance 4. set up wifi using a wifi game then start the server 5. find your pc ip number by going to 'run' and type in 'cmd' and a window will pop up type in ip config 6. open win2ds push auto connect and put in your pc's ip number and touch the enter button and your good to go. smile.gif
  16. here are the steps on how to get win2ds working on the r4 1. download any win2dsand put it anywhere on the r4 2.go to control panel and click on 'System' 3. and click on 'Remote' and turn on the remote assistance 4. set up wifi using a wifi game then start the server 5. find your pc ip number by going to 'run' and type in 'cmd' and a window will pop up type in ip config 6. open win2ds push auto connect and put in your pc's ip number and touch the enter button and your good to go.
  17. too bad (jk)
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