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Everything posted by kounabi22

  1. yes the quest for the md rom has began.
  2. i have qdi kinetiz motheboard amd athlon 1.4 viewsonic 17 e70f 384 sdram 20gb maxtor epson 440 printer mustek cp600 scanner creative soundblaster 128pci ps2adaptor with 1 joystick 8 buttons geforce mx440 msi 128 multimedia keyboard 5 button mouse and i love beat'em'up games neogeo,cps1,cps2 gotta have them all
  3. the final fixes about ss5 enjoy them http://www.geocities.com/ss5_fixes/
  4. the m1 for svc i suppose it ad some sounds i dont have info the txt is in chinise the c fix for ss5 is fix the 2 pixels above the girl with the floating ice ball and some other graphic problems test and believe
  5. http://www3.to/2k1perfect
  6. new hack svc chaos blue
  7. i have found 2 intermissions in metal slug5 1 in mission 1 (you fight a black metal slug) 2 in mission 3 (you fight helicopters outsight the building)
  8. guys does anyone see those pictures about the real final boss of mslug5 is it a secret stage? of we have a bad rom? thats the info i was found.
  9. Is puzloop2 (cps2) emulated yet? if yes can i ad a dat to kawaks loader so i can play it?
  10. because iam very confusing is there any p1 rom that fix the bug of zero with blood enable on?
  11. ho ho santa claws http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/Emulador...eoragex-MS5.zip http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/Utilidad...s/mslug5_p1.zip
  12. le hoho santa claws is here its working for mame only, for the moment. thats what i found.
  13. another present from "santa claws" System: NEO RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal Slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.rom,0,500000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Text] 268-s1.rom,0,20000,0,0 [Z80] 268-m1.rom,0,10000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.rom,0,400000,c3540e0d,0 268-v2.rom,400000,400000,77bd2fa,0 268-v3.rom,800000,400000,39b14567,0 268-v4.rom,C00000,400000,969ff3b2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1.rom,0,800000,969c0d62,0 268-c2.rom,1,800000,c69ae867,0 268-c3.rom,1000000,800000,d7beaeaf,0 268-c4.rom,1000001,800000,e1b1131b,0 268-c5.rom,2000000,800000,2fa1a5ad,0 268-c6.rom,2000001,800000,6de89589,0 268-c7.rom,3000000,800000,97bd0c0a,0 268-c8.rom,3000001,800000,c0d5bc20,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 http://www.mame.cl/mslug5nd.zip i dont know if it works i havent download it yet cause im in work someone give it a try merry christmas
  14. ho ho ho santa claws is here http://emu.magma-net.pl/NeoGeo/samsho5+neb...c.dump.team.rar http://allgames.gamesh.com/emu/member/flyc...c.dump.team.rar http://www.arquitecnia.cl/Edu/samsho5.rar http://www.mame.cl/samsho5.zip http://lgd2003.sites.uol.com.br/samsho5.zip http://tonho2004.sites.uol.com.br/samsho5.zip a present from me
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