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Neo X

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Everything posted by Neo X

  1. I think the only difference is that it has some cheats within the game, like if you press start you turn into fatboy and if you press it again you can change weapons, and is only playable on the kawaks/dev I guess is goods news for the ones that want to play mslug5 on kawaks but can't use the loaders for 1.46 version.
  2. Check this game for the kawaks dev, is a little big but you can use it with kawaks/dev since the dev version works on all windows sistems right? Download Password: http://bbs.jj.jx.cn/
  3. Yeah it works nice even the text errors have been fixed
  4. you can find it My Webpage hope this is not spam if it is then delete it
  5. only the bootleg works on 1.48b/dev
  6. I found this at the kof2k3 board, I've tested them and they work! KOF2003 CHEATS Um make sure to enable the cheat option on the miscellaneous menu. also did you know that i am homosexual.
  7. yeah well, I don't use Neo Rage X but it seems is better than kawaks so I'll be making the games compatible with this emu. you're welcome
  8. use the Zinc G.U.I Emulator for Strider Hiryu 2
  9. yeap they have the full package thats cool!!!!!
  10. And I thought that my website was closed jajaja nicely done badguy no wonder I still get votes from my "closed" website lol anyways I'll put everything like it was before
  11. sorry, read this http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...?showtopic=4290
  12. Like I said this game was released today well it was released yesterday but neogamez didn't want anything to do with it, so they rejected it fools!! Don't worry is hard to get it now, since the webpage where it was located was shut down completely, I know for my good sources that some people already have the rom, but like the last time with SVC they don't want to share it. I myself closed my webpage for a while, I'll be back later with more news.
  13. this could be the answer to your problem #1 make sure the roms are in the "roms" folder #2 make sure you are using the "Kawaks_Loader.exe" duh #3 make the loader compatible to windows 95, to do this you need to..... right click on the "Kawaks_loader" now select "Properties", go to Compatibility check the box, and choose windows 95 now click OK, open your "Kawaks_Loader" and now you should be able to see the new games in the list The emulator work fine, i've been testing it with lots of people, still maybe there is some internal error, not! lol
  14. do you even use the loader?, also sounds like you have xp or 2000
  15. yeah is the best, but no netplay that is waaaay Retro!
  16. You guys are crazy LOL
  17. Winkawaks is the way to go for non fighting games, 'cause if you use the keyboard you can't use the half circle back or forward, but is really fast, and nebula is almost as good as kawaks since it allows all kinds of moves with the keyboard, but it is really slow for netplay, and it has bad looks lol, oh and MAME I hate that emulator, look bad, is slow, can't add the newest games, the sound is poor even on 44k is really a retro emulator, can't keep up im telling ya! Long story short Kawaks is the way to go!!
  18. just use kawaks is faster and easy oh and the rom is rotdnd.zip
  19. yeah it works just unzip the p1 and rename it to 268_p1.rom put it inside your mslug5nd set and for fast detection make a folder called roms in the same folder where neo rage x is, and put the zip in there, now just open the emulator and go to the end of the list, it should be there.
  20. Hey guys for those lovers of Neo Rage, now you can play Metal Slug 5 with good sound and good graphics, just put the new p1 in your mslug5nd.zip and download the emulator from these places http://neo-arcadia.vze.com
  21. Umm strange, I have rotd for kawaks working right, but I'm telling you there are older versions of this game and currently the only one that works is Rage of the dragons (fully decrypted) 30MB check if you have this files in your set. Now remember the rom comes with the name rotd.zip and you have to rename it to rotdnd, and thats all, also if you downloaded rotd from my web site, make sure that the files are not inside a folder that comes inside the rotd.zip my bad.! If it is. then just inzip everything and go inside of the damn folder now zip only the files, to this rotdnd.zip, and get the proper loader. maybe you didn't needed all this Info but I like to share my knowledge Neo X
  22. damn those iespana login windows damn I tell ya!
  23. Well rage of the dragons the good version is really cool, have you guys tryed the duplex combos???? if you have the right teammate you'll get an amazing combo like in Mvs.C, oh and sound is nice too.
  24. Well Metal Slug 5 is only working with mame, and is already starting to show progress in kawaks, you can see this pic of Mslug5 for kawaks http://home.comcast.net/~jorgegalvan/images/gst.htm as you can see the graphics are way bad, but the sound is perfect, we just have to wait por the patched p1
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