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  1. Yeah the gamepad works perfectly with other games such as in Sonic Heroes, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, and others. I didn't use the profile editor to trick the game into thinking that the gamepad button is a button on the keyboard as I didn't create any profiles. I made a mistake earlier. My new computer is Windows XP Home Edition and my older computer is Windows XP Professional. But for some reason the gamepad worked perfectly in Rayman 3 on my older computer which is an XP Pro but it doesn't work on my new computer. So I know the gamepad is compatible with the game but I can't get it to work. Can anyone please help? Thanks.
  2. Hello. I have Rayman 3 for PC and I installed it on my new computer, which is well above the requirements. The game works perfectly but my Saitek P880 gamepad doesn't seem to work with the game. In the Rayman 3 setup, the joystick camera movement axis worked but in the game itself, it does not work at all. I installed it before on my other computer which barely met the minimum requirements but the gamepad worked on it. Both computers are Windows XP Professional. Can someone please tell me what the problem is and how to fix it? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  3. I don't have any viruses on my computer and there aren't any errors in the game. And no program in the background is causing me to alt+tab out of the game. It happens when I go to the sound test menu and I play a bunch of songs. Maybe the game wasn't meant to do this, but it also happens after I lose a few times. It doesn't happen in the middle of a fight, just after I lose a few times when the computer character's victory phrase pops up.
  4. I've been trying to finish Guilty Gear X the pc version recently, but after a while the game crashes and returns to the desktop. I have Windows XP Professional, and I tried setting the game compatibility mode to Windows 98/Me in the properties because I heard somewhere that it would resolve this issue. Though it helped a little bit, the game still seems to crash after a while. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Thanks for the info K'dash. I appreciate it.
  6. What is the resolution of Guilty Gear XX Reload? I thought it was 640x480 but someone told me that it was 1024x768. Is it really that high? Also is it required that you have 32mb vram to run the game or is it just a recommendation. Will the game run on 16mb vram?
  7. Thanks roofus. I think I'll have my computer checked out by someone or maybe I'll call Dell and see what they have to say. Thanks to all those who helped.
  8. Thanks for your help K'Dash. I appreciate it. I hope there are others who might know about this problem.
  9. I'm on a Dell Inspiron 7000 Laptop. I assume that the connectors you are talking about are with desktops. Unfortunately, I'm not under warranty anymore. That's why I turned to 1emulation.com to see if anyone knows what the problem is.
  10. Hello! I have a Dell Inspiron 7000 Laptop and the LCD screen was working perfectly until a few days ago. A vertical red line that's about one inch high appeared at the bottom of the screen. I don't know why it appeared. It was perfect one day, and then the next day, the red line appeared. I was hoping someone could help me out with this problem. So if someone is able to tell me what the problem is and how to fix it, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  11. Glad I could help out. Enjoy! Both of the games are great!
  12. You can find the Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask at <edited out>. The speed is kind of slow but it should not take too long.
  13. Thanks for the website asterik2. I'll check it out and see what I can find.
  14. Nice try Agozer. But the password isn't anything that complicated. Its just two words, I think the 3rd and 4th words on the program description on the back of the manual. Unless I have the password, I can't install the game. If anyone knows the password or knows where I can get it from, please help. Thanks!
  15. Does anyone know what the password to Board Games for Windows created by Cosmi is? Or does anyone know any websites with the passwords for the Cosmi games. I have the game and the password is supposed to be in the manual but I lost it. So if anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
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