I see no reason to close shop - - However - Emulation has gone entirely niche market, and most people nowadays are only interested in a couple of classic games, that can be played on their phones. As for new developments, there are nearly none. Though trying downloads again is a possibility, they really aren't going to attract much - I suspect its because getting the emulator is easy - people who download want roms, and for that they go to torrent sites. Take a look at Arcade@home, the only thing that seems to keep them alive is the forum attack system. --Actually, Id suggest bringing that back before doing anything else. Nearly everyone has moved forum type discussions to Facebook. Because people are lazy, and like going to one place to read everything about all the stuff and people they like. Facebook has also ruined any need for the arcade section. A faster server isn't going to help. Again, look at A@H. At this time, the only really active sites on this box are 1emu and the miskie.net sites. Most of the smaller businesses I once hosted either went belly up in the fishbowl, or they moved to Facebook. -So, what to do ? A. Bring back the FAS. 1Emu needs a hook, and that served well. B. Try emulator downloads, though I don't expect it will do anything as getting an emu is easy, its the roms people want. C. Facebook integration. If ya can't beat em, join em. Allow people to log in and post from Facebook.