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Everything posted by miskie

  1. yes. the last backup that Gamecop had was from the 20th of March. Sometime around the end of March 23 the server went Down.. March 24th GC and I came up with a solution. March 25th was the planned restart but, because of issues with the comprimised data it didnt go as planned. Today however, all is well, and the site is humming along just fine.
  2. I havent seen that in quite some time -- That avatar got lots of people banned at A@H
  3. XXL has never caused me an ounce of trouble.
  4. nope, this has nothing to do with XXL --
  5. Im not surprised.. 1emu went down 3 days ago, 2 days ago we learned why, and GC and I put together a restoration plan, and yesterday I spent my day chasing ghosts as it were.. today all is well.. "And on the third day, 1Emulation rose again, in fullfilment of the weblog" LOL
  6. 1Emulation.com has been successfully restored onto my server using Gamecops last backup taken before his former host crashed and burned, at this point the site is on a new 2.4 Ghz server, running different software under Octogon-Group (my company) the server is kept up to date and I have several security protocals running protecting the server itself.. Even though GemCom was hacked, the hacker got no further than the website itself, using an exploit to do so, ANd I know who the offender is... Other than this one instance nobody has ever hacked anything on the server, and I can say with a fair degree of confidence 1emulation should be relatively safe.. Anywho, I welcome 1emulation.com and all its users to Octgogon-Group webhosting services
  7. well, to make a long story shor, yesterday is a total loss. to sum up the story, Gamecop's former host was hacked, and Apparantly 1emulation was comprimised as well. So was a second network site, GemCom. -- and we know EXACTLY who did that -- I keep very very tight access logs and with the data I presented Gamecop, he was able to track the Lamer down.. lets just say he can get pwn3d at any time anyway, yesterday I restored a dump of 1emu to my server and things got wierd.. my hosted sites started crosslinking in an almost unpredictable way. I pulled down 1emu, deleted the whole thing then restored only what I needed to. mainly the site the database and all files out of the main directory from the old server's backup. that seemed to avoid the problem altogether. Sadly I dont have any of the access data to 1emulation's former host (truth is nobody does, the host is DOA) So I cant pinpoint who hacked that server.. but, since gemcom has always been under my watch, we have at least one culprit under our collective thumbs.. All should be well now. I can safely say there should be no futher long-term interruptions to 1emulation.com
  8. okay, this is yet another test-post. all looks good so far.
  9. The adverts are problematic.. especially on the A@H forum. Modern SQL-backended forums donteat enough bandwidth to matter. Im sure Teckel has added the adverts to balance what is expensive.. the downloads. I Also agree that the A@H mods do not have enough power too be effective.-- Chaos Has several SIG mods (heh.. SIG... Am I showing my age again ??) three other admins, and two global mods that DO have power.. As a system admin I DONT have the time to sit on top of a forum 24/7 and frankly, neither does teckel.. He really should have a few trusted assistants to keep the forum going, and maybe one or two others to keep his downloads current. It would make his life easier as well as make the forum more balanced and enjoyable for all.. But, who Am I to complain ?? I am easily the least active moderator there.. I dont have as much time to dedicate to A@H, and, There is really nothing I, as a mod can do,save for wag a finger at what I dont like, and report it to Tim. but I digress.
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