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Everything posted by Carnicero

  1. Is is LINK DELETED? If so, I think the guy's site is legit. Also, don't bother with any links from Neogamez. They never verify them, so there's about 5,000 links to various packages of CTHD2003. The LINK DELETED one should be referring to KOF2003. I think he offered CTHD2003 as well, but it was under the correct cthd2003.zip name, not the misleading kof2k3 or kof2003 zip names. It's just a question of wether the "phone call" is a scam or a legit way to pay the hosting bills. The site's down right now, so who knows if it's really there.
  2. It's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003.
  3. Nope. I checked it with Zip Downloader and it's definitely CTHD2003.
  4. What are the contents and size of the zip? A lot of us could debunk it as a fake just from the filenames or CRC values.
  5. Yeah, a bunch of foreign sites where they abuse the smileys. I swear, those guys at Neogamez must have just discovered that emoticons exist.
  6. They can do nothing to MAME. Personal MAME builds are not to be distributed to ANYONE. MAME already showed some responsibility by removing even the testdrivers from the source code many many versions ago. Any new game must be supported either by handwritten drivers or copying them from older MAME builds' source code if you can find them. This isn't MAME's fault at all. It's the fault of idiots who chose MAME to compile and distribute, which is very much in violation of MAME's EULA. Phuck-IGN, for example, could get into a sh*tload of trouble just based on the fact they offer a "members build" of MAME that supports svc, samsho5, and mslug5.
  7. I wish that "anonymous source" would share the love.
  8. That's just one of multiple emulators that support the game before its release. Hell, anyone can make a compatible MAME just as easy. All you need are CRC values and crossed fingers to hope it doesn't require additional source code workarounds like mslug5 once the game is able to be loaded up in the emulator. Infinite Emulation is probably talking about the plans of one individual team working on it. There are multiple dumpers working to get this ROM out, not just one. So any particular website's claims are pretty much talking about what little they know themselves and only regarding dumpers willing to share their plans.
  9. Keep in mind, I'm just relaying something I read off other various forums. It's not fact, just a general theory based on the past few related ROM releases.
  10. I thought we were just talking 2D fighters. Aside from those, Capcom is a goliath. They've published a mountain of arcade titles and still squeeze out almost enough console titles to compete with Electronic Arts. But they definitely are not what they used to be. Resident Evil is waning, Megaman is a tailspinning franchise, even the Breath of Fire games are not in the same category as the original two. They could be doing better. Same for Konami, who seem to ride off Metal Gear and put minimal effort into the other titles. There hasn't been a decent Contra game since Metal Slug stole the crown.
  11. They may be including characters from Rumble Fish...if they turn out to be accepted. I don't think they really have enough characters though. They might as well call it The Entire Guilty Gear Lineup vs. A Small Fraction of Capcom's Lineup.
  12. I read that KOF2003 is slated for public release in February (possibly the 14th) from the SVC team. All the games had a 1 month increment. SVC in November, SSV in December, Mslug5 originally meant for January but released early for Christmas, which puts KOF2003 in a February release, unless Mslug5's early release enables KOF2003 to show up this month. Although I heard they would be doing it in February and not earlier in January, as some sort of punishment to whoever stole mslug5. Either way, it'll be here before spring. Either February at the latest or earlier if another team beats them to it. I don't think they'll sit on the game and risk another dumping team stealing the glory.
  13. Again, COLOR CHANGES are not the same as COMPLETE REDRAWS. So Ryu's headband or hair changing colors is different than Takuma getting a NEW FACE. Even a new face requires more effort than changing a pallette. It's not the same as drawing new art. Use the color editor in CVS and you'll see how pallettes work. You've got a few swatches of indexed color ranging from 0 to 255 (divided by 8 to get 0-31, or 32 levels). Capcom making Ryu's headband red is a matter of opening up the default pallette and setting the headband's range to 255,0,0. While SNK giving Kyo the white coat requires more than just a simple pallette change. Everyone's been raising some good points though. I think Capcom and SNK are probably even after the years when it comes to graphical upgrades. I no longer think either side is lazy, they just did things differently. SNK is sure to take the lead though. Future SNK games are on totally new hardware, and Capcom has only Sammy vs. Capcom on the drawing board. So Capcom may lose the graphics battle just because they are failing to keep their fighting games current. They need to light a fire under their asses and redo Darkstalkers as the perfect opportunity to get back in the game on their own without having to lean on another fighting game maker's shoulder. SNK and Sammy are doing great on their own. If not a new Darkstalkers game, Capcom should put out Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 instead of riding coat SNK or Sammy's tails.
  14. http://security.kolla.de/ Violence, you should only run one at a time. If either of them do realtime scanning (like an antivirus would) I'd just pick one to always run. What I do is just run one then run the other every couple weeks or when things act fishy, indicating spyware lurking around on my system.
  15. Kawaks, Nebula, etc. only emulate certain games because they choose to. That's why sites like Zophar keep a program like Kawaks separate from MAME. MAME just has more hardware emulation while Kawaks or Nebula only bother with specific arcade hardware. As far as games coming out on old hardware, SNK's reason is because it's cheap. It's cheaper to ship out a lot of cabinets with older hardware than to move to new hardware. That's why future titles are looking to come out on Atomiswave, because SNK made a deal with Sammy, and Sammy wants to be stronger in the arcade market. NeoGeo is pretty much dead. Naomi, Atomiswave, CPS-3, etc. are not emulated. So KOF2003 is probably one of the last games you'll see emulated within a short span of the arcade machine being released...at least until CPS-3 and Naomi encryption is broken. On the other side of the fence, Capcom switched to Naomi because CPS-3 turned out to be a dud. SNK has lucked out milking old hardware for so long while Capcom couldn't do anything special with cutting edge hardware. Naomi is pretty much the safest hardware to develop for. It's not emulated, it's getting old enough to be pretty cheap to implement, and so many games have come out for it that quality is good. Sorta like how the first PS2 games sucked until developers got a hang of how to develop for the hardware. At least that's how I understand it, and I'm surely no expert. Maybe someone here knows a bit more, because I've only become interested in arcade hardware in the past few years. In fact, emulation was my first exposure to NeoGeo games, being that my town's arcades never carried any SNK titles while I was growing up. EDIT: Strider beat me to it! I type too slow.
  16. I think there was one Guilty Gear game on Atomiswave, but the same game was also on Naomi GD-ROM (like the others). Graphical capability is pretty much identical though. Guilty Gear Isuka is on Atomiswave, and the game looks just as good as the other GG games, although there is a slight graphical dip, but that's to compensate for having 4 characters onscreen simultaneously. So Guilty Gear quality graphics are capable on either hardware. Either way, SNK can have higher resolution sprites like Guilty Gear has instead of having to work with such an obsolete native resolution. That's the only reason GG looks so good, the game's artwork is not scaled as much because of the higher res.
  17. It'll actually be more on line with Guilty Gear good.
  18. I did exactly that with Ryu and Terry (the two characters that appear the most for each camp). That list of game changes I made a few posts back wasn't imagined, it was culled from the process you suggest in your quote. From all games. Excluding ONLY the Street Fighter III series. I have all the games in either ROM or console port versions and went through them all out of curiosity. I watched a slideshow of the pics I took and the SNK games stood out more, while Capcom games had way too many pallette changes between entire series even, not within a single series like your KOF observation. I even went and look through Darkstalkers, which had utterly no changes in any of both the American or Japanese verions, excluding the change from red blood to Mortal Kombat style white milk/sweat) That's rediculous. Kyo has DRASTICALLY changed twice, other characters were added from prior SNK games (in case you want to count Final Fight characters in SF), Terry changed at least 2 or 3 times since 94, Andy Bogard changed repeatedly, Robert Garcia went through outfit changes, Athena got a retro costume similar to her original game's outfit, and so on. Street Fighter really only drastically changed Chun Li.
  19. KOF2004 is supposed to be on Atomiswave.
  20. The most common practice is to use both Ad-Aware and Spybot: Search & Destroy. Adware scanners tend to miss some things. Whatever Ad-Aware misses, Spybot picks up and vice versa.
  21. SNK updated about as many characters as Capcom did for the Shotokans and Bison. Genjyuro, Earthquake, and Mr. Karate unless you consider him a new head on Takuma (which is technically the truth). I consider the effect in CVS a mixed bag. Terry's moves look worse with the pixelated flame (especially the Geyser). Iori and Kyo's Oniyakis are much more pixelated than they were in SNK titles, both Kyo's supers look nasty too. The fireballs are a little out of place for the Shotokans, I prefered the old style with the hand silhouettes. But you're dead on with Blanka, both him and Benimaru's moves look so much cooler with the new effects. Especially Blanka, where he really glows now. It's wierd, some characters benefit from the new effects in the CVS series, but others' moves just don't look right. Sammy's going to throw a major wrench in the spokes if they're in charge of graphics for the rumored Sammy vs. Capcom. I don't think SNK or Capcom can hold a candle to the Guilty Gear style. As much as I love Guilty Gear, the characters are too wierd. Capcom or SNK characters have much more personality. And there are no transvestites or pedophiles in the lineup.
  22. There's a great guide on GameFAQs that fixes most of the incorrect SNK character colors in CVS. Athena gets fixed up pretty well.
  23. I think SNK has a slight lead on Capcom. Take the two most popular characters, Ryu and Terry as an example. Ryu got a new look from SF1 to SF2 incarnations, another in SFA/Marvel, and the final one in SVC (done by SNK). Terry Bogard changed in FF1, FF2, the Real Bout games, early KOF, late half KOF, Garou/KOF2003. An in CVS (by Capcom). A lot of the Capcom characters in SVC were redrawn for the first time in literally a decade by SNK, not Capcom. But again, Capcom did their fair share of SNK character redraws in CVS. Both CVS and SVCs' redraws should be considered a non-issue, since the character HAD to be redrawn or the game would have looked more awkward than the Marvel series. Most Capcom changes were color edits. Terry, and others from SNK, had numerous color changes as well throughout the course of KOF. Terry's pants, for example, have different shades of blue, as does Ryu's entire default color outfit in the SF2 series. In the end, the majority of SNK characters have more redraws while Capcom tends to stick with color alterations (especially in the SF2 series). Of course, this is excluding CVS and SVC. I don't generally credit those games in graphics arguments because the sprites had to be redrawn for consistency sake. But if you wish to include them, then it results in a bit of a tie, since Capcom was forced to redraw more characters in CVS than SNK had to with SVC. I guess my opinion could be countered just by total makeovers alone. SNK had quite a few, with Kyo a couple times, Terry once, etc. Capcom had Chun Li recieve a needless (but appreciated makeover), but did do quite a few makeovers bringing Final Fight and SF1 characters into the rosters. But SNK did their fair share with Athena, Ikari Warriors (OK, bad example), Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, etc.
  24. In addition, I like both games. I just think SNK were concerned more with the visuals while Capcom cut & pastes characters from their old series. Both series did do minor graphical upgrades over the years, but SNK's are more evident while Capcom's are subtle.
  25. 100% wrong? I'll admit Capcom did update, but they were so minimal they hardly count, especially in the numerous SF2 semi-sequels. From SF1 to SF2? Sure, that was a big change (like Eagle in CVS2 or Cody in SFA3). The Alpha/Zero series was the only other revolution. Meanwhile SNK updates continually, not just when a new subseries is spawned. How many characters from Capcom got major makeovers? Chun-Li and SF1 and Final Fight characters, because they HAD to. Look at the Marvel vs. Capcom series. The spectrum from ugly to pretty is vast. Capcom doesn't stay consistent. Look at Thanos next to Strider. SNK has always tried to keep everyone generally similar, so they look like the are meant to be in the game, and didn't just wander into it. That's the primary beef with these crossover games, they are inconsistent. CVS and SVC look good because they were the few exception where either developer tweaked one side to match the other.
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