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Everything posted by monkeynz
Please read the main thread - there is a guide there - its prolly your firewall blocking it
External IPs only work when you are outside your local network, so if you are at home trying to connect to your external IP won't work (just use your internal one when at home). There is a way to get it working if your router has an option called NAT loopback, try googling this and your router model - but you may as well use your internal IP if you are local.
Yeah I've figured out what causes this, only problem is that the fix will bring back the old problem of capital letters not working properly. I'm trying to work on a solution that gets both working.
good suggestion.. i've been thinking a larger keyboard is needed too =) I like the one used in DSOrganize, its a nice size and seems much easier to use. Anyone have any other hb keyboards they particularly like?
Thats because you are typing it into a Run box, not the command prompt. Try typing in "cmd" (winxp) or "command" (win9x) into the run box first, then entering "ipconfig" (winxp) or "winipcfg" (win9x) at the command prompt it opens up. Alternatively, you can just right-click on your LAN connection (in network connections), select status and then click on the support tab to view your IP address.
does this only work 1 ds per compy? I tried it with my older yet better lappy and it stops after the password input and stays at waiting. I'm sure it's the old lappy having a different I.P. and things, but for some reason I can't get it running the same way. so what's your experience with a different compy? here's a guide I wrote on another thread that will help you: if it gets to this stage it means 1. Its successfully connected to your wifi network (Your WFC connection settings are correct) 2. Something is blocking communcations on port 8888 UDP *OR* you are entering the wrong IP address So go to a command prompt and type ipconfig What it says next to "IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :" is what you should type in. If you have multiple adapters try all the IP addresses listed. Otherwise if you are having trouble connecting look at your 1. Windows firewall 2. 3rd Party Security / Antivirus / Firewall software And either deactivate the firewall (not recommended) or open UDP port 8888 This is pretty much as simple as I can make it, do all this and it is guaranteed to work, provided you have got up to that screen
The movie will get max of maybe 5-9 frames per second, and no, sound doesn't work. Make sure you turn on the keyboard or turn off the other screen for maximum update speed
fixed see this thread: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry260922
Glad you got it working =) dont feel stupid (even I thought it was TCP for bloody ages - it wasn't till I rewrote the server that I worked out it was UDP lol)
Yes, it would be possible and No, I don't know how to do it =)
If you'd like this fixed please tell me which keys dont work with which programs (so I can test), cheers =) I tried it with 3D Pinball for window (which comes with Window) I set "Z" and "/" to kick the ball but it don't work but "F2" for start new game work properly. Also, I tried it with Little Fighter2 (www.lf2.net) buttons don't work Can you test it? May be it cause by my PC btw, How do I use Movie player? Put tons of AVI files in a folder, then point the server at that folder - if it can play the AVI it will work, if it can't play, it will skip them until it finds one that is compatible. I've tested Divx/Xvid and plain AVIs and they all seem to work, but some of the weirder encodings don't work.. this may be because of the version of the Video for Windows dll I'm hooking into or something. If anyone has any delphi coding experience loading a movie stream and extracting individual frames, please contact me.
if it gets to this stage it means 1. Its successfully connected to your wifi network (Your WFC connection settings are correct) 2. Something is blocking communcations on port 8888 UDP *OR* you are entering the wrong IP address So go to a command prompt and type ipconfig What it says next to "IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :" is what you should type in. If you have multiple adapters try all the IP addresses listed. Otherwise if you are having trouble connecting look at your 1. Windows firewall 2. 3rd Party Security / Antivirus / Firewall software And either deactivate the firewall (not recommended) or open UDP port 8888 This is pretty much as simple as I can make it, do all this and it is guaranteed to work, provided you have got up to that screen
I run it at 1440x900 with no problems on my widescreen monitor - could be your CPU speed - try changing the quality settings and make sure you aren't running any other CPU-intensive programs at the same time.
If you'd like this fixed please tell me which keys dont work with which programs (so I can test), cheers =)
try turning down the refresh rate to normal rather than ultra when on external network, i'll try adding some better recovery code for lossy/internet connections soon
I've tried changing all the server settings from DS and haven't managed to re-produce the error thats being reported. Could someone tell me exactly what they were changing at the time, and do you see garbled output on your PC or DS or both?
I didnt have that problem when using the DS to click on the server, but I'll test more thoroughly and see what I can find out. For future bug reports if you could specify what CPU you have, and what settings you are using, I'd be very interested to see what kind of PC hardware people are using to run this, and if it could be a factor.
Thats strange.. did the previous version (0.80f) work for you? Anyone else having this problem? It should work with a blank password. Make sure caps lock is off, or make sure password isnt too long perhaps?
Thanks for the report, anyone else with bugs please report them in detail just like this =)
Dunno, I've been on holiday swimming in freshwater lakes and suntanning my white programmer legs =)
DS2Win Fusion v0.81c - March 26, 2008 ----------------------------------------- DS2Win Fusion is a program designed to allow you to do ALL the things you could do with your PC, harnessing the wireless capabilities and touch screen for maximum usability. Play movies, games and browse the net, check emails, the sky is the limit! All you need is a windows PC and a wireless router or card. This is an customized build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been enhanced to provide new features, higher speed and service quality. Note: This release will probably need to be DLDI patched before using (unless you have a R4DS like me and its done automatically) Changelog: ---------- 0.81c server - zoom levels now gradually increase by 0.125 between 1x-2x client - change zoom level without swapping screen by holding L before you hold R and use ABXY client - dual screen zoom mode now available! 0.81b server - fixed access violation when trying to use movie player and no videos could be found client - fixed keyboard presses to work in most directx games/applications again 0.81a "the oracle" server - completely rewrote server in Delphi and it is now perfectly stable, i think! =) server - implemented CRC checking for better detection of duplicate screens server - cursor no longer flickers when capture transparent pixels is enabled server - all options can now be configured without restarting the server server - JPEG quality is now configurable for zoomed and fullscreen views server - JPEGs are no longer saved to disk before sending to DS which should speed up things a lot server - extra quality setting added for mid-range CPUs server - movie player beta (no sound, only works with fairly standard AVI files) server - added option to run on windows startup client - FAT support added (DLDI patching now required) only IP address is saved for now client - disabled screen updates while lid is closed to save battery power http://rapidshare.de/files/38931161/ds2win.ds.zip.html
heh i have no idea what youre talking about, but this program wouldnt be any use in an emulator...
V2 is version 0.2 i think.. chriss fixed his problem by entering .002 for .2 instead of .200 in the ip address make sure UDP 8888 is open on windows firewall, and your antivirus firewall if you have one. also check your ip using ipconfig at the command prompt
Good ideas though, I'll keep them in mind in the future =) (maybe after FAT and the movie player) I've seen a really cool Hex layout keyboard that looks really nice too, if anyone knows of other DS sourcecode with better input methods please let me know! New delphi version of the server is almost ready, just implementing settings pages. Maybe I'll release it when views hits 10,000 or something =)
try right clicking on the system tray icon (by the clock at the lower right hand corner of the screen) and checking either options to turn off JPG extension scanning, or turn off virus-shield or whatever its called.