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Everything posted by bulge2

  1. ok some driving games fixed some not: APB - When the game loads accelerate is always on you dont have to push a button etc renedering unplayable INDY HEAT: Left trigger is still accelerate HANG ON: same as APB auto accelerate to 80Km/h then stays there gets no faster HOT CHASE: Left trigger is still accelerate OUTRUNNERS: right trigger is still accelerate and Left trigger is still brake POLE POSITION II: right trigger is still accelerate and analog joystick doesnt work SUPER CROSS 2: right trigger is still accelerate WEC LE MANS 24hr: right trigger is still accelerate and Left trigger is still brake SCI: Acc/brake fixed but turbo is left trigger ROAD BLASTERS: right trigger is still accelerate and Left trigger is still brake HYDRA: NO pedel button mapped so cant even get into game thanks for the other fixxes though bulge
  2. lol thanks
  3. [link above not working ??
  4. street fighter the movie is rubbish anyway - plenty of better in the series to ignore
  5. yeah like that a lot - bit cluttered on the right but snazy bit of frontend
  6. i spose totally within the hardware capabilities of the xbox, and one of my top all time games: Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now on the pc the first true sandpit game. although all you could do was smash cars and run over peds Cunning Stunt bonus
  7. as you know im running my xbox in a cabinet so have custom button layout - ive tried to keep it as similar as the xbox pad, but it still must be usable in arcade form. i dont have the thumbstick buttons at all so any game that uses that is unusable - also my white and black buttons are used in a different layout so all the streetfighter games the layout is wrong. as the current settings use b and y for hard kick/punch. first of all i will let you know how best it is for those 6-button games the driving games seem all over the place with different keymaps for each game my request is to have a unified cab patch which will make the driving games all have the same acc/brake/gear/turbo. problem roms so far for me: APB - Turn is L/R Triggers and accelerate is always on IRONMAN SUPER OF ROAD - Turn is L/R Triggers , turbo is UP on DPAD , Y is accelerate IRONMAN SUPER OF ROAD TRACK PACK - Turn is L/R Triggers and accelerate is Y, turbo is UP on DPAD. accelerate doesnt seem to work then after a couple of seconds of game time it switches to accelarator always on???? BAD LANDS - Turn is L/R Triggers INDY HEAT - DPAD UP is name select button for menus and Left thumbstick is acclerate F1 EXHAUST NOTE - acc/brake is R/L trigger HANG ON - no button mapped for acclerate HOT CHASE - Left thumbstick is acclerate HOTROD - Turn is L/R Triggers, Left thumbstick is acclerate OUTRUNNERS - L/R is brake/acclerate POLE POSITION II - analog stick doesnt turn, but DPAD does. Right trigger is acclerate RAD MOBILE - Wierd non returning dial settings so when you push left and release it stays left??? And right trigger is acclerate SUPER CROSS 2 - L TRIGGER is accelerate WEC LE MANS 24 HR - L/R trigger is accelerate/brake Not a driving game but: ARKANOID - uses L/R Trigger to move bar left/ right SCI - acclerate and turbo are mapped to A so you have to use turbo straight away ROADBLASTERS - L/R Trigger is steer left right the above is what the games are currently mapped to, i think they need to be unified to something like this A - Accelerator B - Brake (perhaps turbo in games like ironman as you dont use brake) X - Gearshift hi/low Y - use item (shoot - turbo etc)
  8. are you uploading a new build bp?
  9. Heres a nice little standalone player for the excellent Street fighter alpha 3 by BritneysPAIRS. Its basically a bootable version from XBMC that takes you straight to the game. You will have to put sfa3.zip rom in the rom folder as its not included in the rar. i also made a readme file for installation etc, but forgot to put in that the options menu can be accessed by clicking the right thumbstick. For those that use wide icons in XBMC like me, i made a quick icon that can be found in the wide icon folder. Just swap the file with the one in the parent folder. This isnt a final version or beta or whatever its just a nice little quick and simple launcher. The screens was a bit out on my tv but this can be changed in options. Thanks to BP and post feedback here!!!! rapidshare linky
  10. thats not the system i use......... but thanks
  11. i personally believe that having every working rom would just turn arcades into a cluttered mess, like mame-x. after been shown images of some of the rom request for arcades this has confirmed this - there is a load of sh1te roms out there, which should never be included. perhaps people should put forward decent rom requests that can be tested rather than loads of old toot. does anyone really play stuff like this??????
  12. yeah i just found his name i use 1.28 pro
  13. ok thanks ill try out kawa tomorrow i think, but im trying to get a complete fba set as i love the shooters as well. is there a list of working roms for kawa so i can compare to my fba romset? also who actually worked on fba-xxx that still around? thanks again
  14. ok thanks are there any other advantages/ disadvantages to using kawa over fbaa-xxx
  15. i havent tried kawa just because i was happy the way fba works. this was obviously before i put it in my cab. the annoying thing is fba is the only emu affected. let me know about kawa tho
  16. thanks for the suggestion but it doesnt solve the problem as this is a dedicated cab - sort of made to not look like its got an xbox in it. so no controllers. i believe it would take some tweaking in the build by someone who knows about it. thanks anyway
  17. as we keep missing each other because of time zones ill ask in here concernnig videos. i have d/l the emumovies standard quality set which are all looking great. They seem to be slightly different sizes although most are 320x240, some are smaller - will this be a problem for arcades? also how fast can the xbox play a video preview? i thought if there is going to be a time delay you could show a snapshot of the rom while the video preview loads. obviously the video pack will be quite large in size, but personally i dont see it being a problem as most have plenty of rom on there xbox's. if you could PM me a romlist for arcades 2 i can start to prune the unwanted video files as it is for mame set 1.18. and im not sure if its complete.
  18. videos previews on the way
  19. video previews
  20. hi im using fba for my neogeo stuf and im having problems with my xbox arcade cab the problem is with the input type of the rom select screen. currently it accepts an analouge input so the more you push the analogue stick the faster the rom select screen scrolls. my conversion board acsepts sends a digital signal (from my arcade joystick) as if it were the analogue stick, rather than the d-pad. So when i use the joystick to select a rom the select speeds through about 5-10 roms at a time (super-fast!). is there any ini file i can edit or something, or is it hard-coded? as the source is out there can anyone help my problem thanks in advance bulge2
  21. did anyone try and get in touch with the cpx3 emu author bs? yeah i tried to contact elsemi via a few different channels, but alas to no avail. problems are: 1. he isnt english and it might count (im not sure whether he speaks it?) 2. ive heard he NEVER release's source code. so i didnt get any sniff of a reply
  22. no you misunderstand. when selecting roms in fba if you use the analouge joystick the roms select slowly at first and as you push the stick further up or down the roms select really fast - great for fast scanning, but my arcade stick is digital and mapped to the analogue stick so it is alway on full. so when i push up or down it speeds through the roms, making it impossible to select. i imagine this is hard coded into the build, but with the source code released i thought someone may be able to help. thanks tony
  23. the problem im having with my xbox cab is that when you scroll up and down on the select screen its super fast and skips about 10 roms per click on my joystick. its because my joystick on my cab is mapped to the analouge joystick not the DPAD. as the source has been released i was hoping someone might be able to sort something out. thanks edit: i use fba xxx 1.28 btw
  24. i tried to contact elsemi about the CPXIII source code so it could be implemented into Arcades, but alas i have had no contact back from him so i doubt SFIII will ever see itself in Arcades. bummer really as it could do with and update the frontend is a bit rubbish. Excellent work though. Merry Christmas peeps
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