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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. SSF is the most updated, although Yabause was updated just recently. Needless to say, SSF is also the best. However, SSF can be quite ruthless requirements-wise, but it also has presets that may help balance out performance versus compatibility. The format the CD image is in does not affect performance. Take note that you must set the emulator to use the same region as the game's own region, otherwise the "console" refuses to boot the game.
  2. Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy. Nice game. Feels movie-ish.
  3. The IPS Collection for MAME32Plus! is a really nice feature/addon.
  4. Haldrie's thread offers general advice/help and that usually helps for most games, Emerald/Sapphire being no exception.
  5. Please search the board for Haldrie's tread(s) about this. EDIT: Had you bothered to read through the thread directly below yours, we probably wouldn't have this conversation.
  6. Jet Li's chinese stuff is great and his acting is great in them. Now, his american movies are enjoyable, but his acting is quite bad.
  7. If you haven't seen Ong Bak, you haven't truly lived. It's effin' awesome, I tell you.
  8. The CPS3Emulator is not MAME. It's a standalone emulator that only plays CPS-3 games. It does not support cheats. MAME however, supports cheats. The CPS3 has 6 games in total: Three Street Fighter III games, two JoJo games and Warzard/Red Earth.
  9. I agree. This is the first time I've laughed out loud when reading am XBOX games review. Great.
  10. I wish I could draw like that. I've never had any drawing talent.
  11. I don't know any specifics about MAME32K, but try pressing TAB after you've loaded a game.
  12. Indeed. I thought the specs would have been more unforgiving.
  13. Controller Pak refers to either the Mem Pak, the Rumble Pak or the Transfer Pak. The Dedault contoller plugin supports Mem Paks at the very least (and it is required by mot games) and Rumble as well (not sure). You need to remember to enable it from the controller plugin configuration. Personally I use the N-rage Input plugin. If you want to try it, google it.
  14. The ending almost hints that there is going to be a sequel. I hope so.
  15. it would help if you explain in detail what are these things you speak of. Some kind of key combination files or what?
  16. If they both play SHOOTAM GAEMS, I'm sold.
  17. The sound is most likely flocked up because, if I understood correctly, Vista doesn't support DirectSound. It only emulates it, and some emulators don't take kindly to this. Correct me if I'm wrong though. You aren't the only one with this problem.
  18. The chinese will make cheap knock-offs from anything worth anything.
  19. Not really. If the games slow down, they slow down. You mean that you have an integrated Intel graphics chip? If not, then you don't need 3DAnalyze and your processor certainly has nothing to do with it; only your graphics hardware does.
  20. No, IsoHunt really does block US connections. Of course, there are always exceptions, and their method isn't foolproof.
  21. Do enjoy your stay. Nice to see that somebody likes the Sega CD. Most people don't.
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