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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. I cannot help you make that choice. Please do what you feel is most satisfying.
  2. Well, I did say that you can use a cheat. No emulator user in their right mind would wait that long just to get something unlocke dwithout the cheat. Many of Capcom's arcade games (CPS-1/2, ZN-1/2 hardwares especially) have time release features that become available once the arcade operator has kept the machines running a set period of time.
  3. why not wait ? Mame 107 is around the corner . Exactly, that's why I said "soon".
  4. Why is this in the MUGEN forum? Moved. SFA3 displays a different background color depending what hidden (time-release) playmodes/options have been enabled. I think Kawaks and Nebula might default to a setting where all the possible time-release features are unlocked. Or then again, it might be vice versa, since I don't remember which color had which. You need to get a cheat file for MAME so that you can choose what kind of a backgroun color you want. Or do it "au-naturel" and wait at least two weeks . What do you mean buy ?
  5. Looks like it's about time to upgrade my MAMEPlus soon.
  6. Make a CD image from the disc you have and then mount it with any virtual drive software (Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%).
  7. That's why I considered it in the first place. I dunno... I think I'm gonna take the risk and just DO IT. ...Maybe I'll back up my entire hard drive first. Nah, just make a recovery spot so you can rollback any changes that SP2 made. I'll probably upgrade sometime as well, but certainly not yet. Do tell me how it went after you've done it.
  8. I would never download emulators from any P2P sites. Plus, if you have plugins so much, you can just use pSX.
  9. Which is why I haven't upgraded either. I don't really know where this uneasiness stems from but I know that a couple of my friends had to reinstall the OS because SP2 flocked their system sideways.
  10. Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil. Great game. I really like the Hunters
  11. That's really strange since I have Megaman X6 and it doesn't biatch about anything. Then again, I'm not running it off a CD, but from a mounted image. Oh and mke sure you have a memory card inserted in Slot 1. Megaman X6 only reads card data from Slot 1.
  12. NeoRAGEx has no netplay, so it's useless to him. As far as the netplay thing goes, I think the netplay feature requires a specific set. I can't be sure, since I don't use netplay at all.
  13. There is no Tales of Symphonia III. It's just Tales of Symphonia. Anyway. Turtles in Time (SNES, I think the arcade version let's 4 players play simultaneously) Mario Party games (N64/GC)
  14. It shoul automatically inform you that the inserted Memory Card is corrupt. or not formatted. If it doesn't and the Manager dedtects 15 free blocks, then you're good to go.
  15. That's stretching it really far if you ask me. 3 months tops. Eh, whatever.
  16. I mean the Memory Card Manager that shows up when you boot the PSX BIOS without booting a game disc.
  17. 1. Enable all but SPU IRQ Hack in the sound plugin configuration. Although I'd still recommend using the Eternal SPU plugin over all the othersound plugins for the PSX. 2. Make sure there is a memory card file selected in Config --> Memory Card. If you don't have any memory card files, creayte an empty file and save it as xxxxx.mcr. Also remember to format the new memory card file in the Memory Card Manager before you use it.
  18. I think Bio F.R.E.A.K.S Is the worst fighting game of all time, i would go and explain why, but its a tell-all as soon as u play it. Doesn't hold a candle to War Gods. And for the record, the best Killer Instincts are the arcade versions of Ki and KI2, although KI on the SNES was a surprisingly good port.
  19. Most of these issues are known and have to do with bugs in Jabo's Direct3D plugin. Get a third-party plugin like Rice's Video plugin or Glide 64 with a wrapper and don't forget to grab the latest RDB update from Pj64's site. Oh, and do look at the dates before posting. Thread necromancy is generally not tolerated.
  20. Video --> Select Video Blitter Disable whatever scanline option you have enabled.
  21. This is so Awesomeness. Finally.
  22. The USB ports are meant for a few select USB peripherals (keyboard and mouse basically) and not much else.
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