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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. MEtal Slug 6 is in the works, but it's for the Atomiswave. Metal Slug 3 kicks serious amounts of ass.
  2. Who wouldn't run NeoRAGEx in 16-bit mode? The 8-bit looks horrible enough. Well, you have to use 8-bit when taking preview shots and it's inexcusable. Correction: The preview shot is named after the zipped romset.
  3. Hey, it's so that two people can play in the same room. Multiplayer doesn't have to be over LAN all the time.
  4. I must thank the guys over at NeoCreme for hooking it up with some awesome pics. I thought it was Emsley's Place™ The old name is still NeoCream btw. Sorry, my bad. Can you stop linking an s to that site? Whatever do you mean? Seriously, cut that out now, would you? Dude calm down. ... flock it See? See? I'm not paranoid. Fatal, stop it....or I'll get all Mummy's Revenge on your ass. check out the underline agozer. theyre all links to the same stupid thread. Yeah, I checked them already. And this quote is getting too big.
  5. I'd say it's your gfx card, but I'm not 100% sure. Isn't the TNT 64 a pretty old model?
  6. If you want to burn an image and make sure it has the exact same data, you should use Alcohol 120% or CloneCD.
  7. I'm not into wrestling games but I might give it a try. It looks damn good. You've been missing out a lot. Sure, there are no fireballs and energy gusts and whatnot, but it's still entertaining as hell.
  8. Bah, my fatass comp can't run it properly.
  9. I must thank the guys over at NeoCreme for hooking it up with some awesome pics. I thought it was Emsley's Place™ The old name is still NeoCream btw. Sorry, my bad. Can you stop linking an s to that site? Whatever do you mean? Seriously, cut that out now, would you? Dude calm down. ... flock it See? See? I'm not paranoid. Fatal, stop it....or I'll get all Mummy's Revenge on your ass.
  10. Underlined letter is a link that points to: http://neocream.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=99999999999 ForceX seems to have a passion for single-letter links as well and that link points to: http://www.1emulation.com ....which is annoying to say the least.
  11. It's great that you guyz like it and everything but there is just 1 problem and thats that HE'S NOT BUYING IT FOR THE DAMN COMPTER! So yeah, even though IT'S GREAT FOR THE DAMN COMPUTER! IT'S NOT GREAT FOR THE CONSOLE! I have this game on the xbox and it blows, the aiming is horrible and flock and especially when jumping. The graphics are good and what not but the game does kinda sux unless you have a keyboard and mouse, ya heard?! Does it actually matter? Because it's short as hell on the console versions too. If the Max Payne games would be longer than they already are, people would get bored of it pretty quickly. Just enjoy the game to the end, take a long break from it and then play again. I do that constantly and I've never got too bored with either of those games.
  12. Hahahaha. Fatal, even I'm not that bored. Ever.
  13. I'm pretty sure the PS2 can't handle Doom 3. Just look at the existing screenshots.
  14. Thanks for the link Ian. What's with the random underlined letter, Fatal? I have no idea what you are talking about. Most strange. Must be my browser acting up again...It underlines one of the letters in your posts (usually the first).
  15. Nebula and Kawaks have had transparencies support longer than MAME or FBA, AFAIK.
  16. Thanks for the link Ian. What's with the random underlined letter, Fatal?
  17. I must thank the guys over at NeoCreme for hooking it up with some awesome pics. I thought it was Emsley's Place™ The old name is still NeoCream btw.
  18. Was it this one? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8217
  19. ROFL. That pic is so...scary.
  20. When you are busy you don't really have time ot edit out all the pics out of the quote. What the hell is the big deal anyways. About the martial arts in it they at times add in martial arts moves for you to select when you create your char. I just hope they have alot more than usual. Having all those pics load at the same time makes the page slower, even if one has a broadband connection...and you have to scroll down too much to see the actual reply.
  21. Surprisingly few wrestlers have actual martial arts moves, Fatal.
  22. Like me most likely. You better edit it good, K`dash.
  23. you'll probably have to install flash - or install it for firefox anyway. Since Flash installed on IE does not mean that every borowser will use it just as well. This is one of the reasons I stopped using Firefox and whatnot.
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