Hi, I maintain that fantasyanime.com site you linked to previously. I have some questions. I am unfamiliar with your topic of conversation about the hubs and their ability for you to download TG16-CD ISOs. Can you give me please give me an explanation about it and how people would go about setting themselves up for it? Well, I'll give some rough guidelines (othe rcan fill in more details if they wish): First, people need a DC++ client. A good one is, well DC++. Start the program and set the username and share directories, etc. in the preferences. Then connect to a server (like the Emu Rom Hub at emu.servegame.com) via the Public Hubs button or then by adding servers to the Favorites window. Think of it a bit like IRC, excpet at a much bigger scale. Most hubs have strict rules on what people can and cannot share + a minimum amount of shared files in gigabytes.