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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. I'll say what everyone wants to hear. American Reality TV is rotting our beautiful planet (add foreign ones to that too). Everytime one of those shows is on, it makes me want to break random stuff and throw the TV out of the window.
  2. Geez...how is that possible?! I freak out if I have less than 2 gigs left. I start to freak out at 1. Given that Ihave an 8 gig HD, I'd may go bonkers for less.
  3. The Gimp is the best by far one of the best image editors out there. Since it started in Linux, the GUI is badass.
  4. Original SoundTracks. Anyway, since I listen to almost all genres (bar Folk and Country), so I don't have a definite favorite. Although, I'm in my trance phase now.
  5. There's something really flocking wrong with you.
  6. Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien. The best duo late night TV can offer.
  7. I have a lot of lady friends online....but I wouldn't call those romances.
  8. I am in nightmare heaven. Thanks K`dash.
  9. Japanese reference to anime containing nudity and sexual jokes.
  10. Please, at least get the emulator name correct. okay??, then whats the name of the emulator???, I was preatty sure it was Znes i think. Oh and the duh, wasn't supposed to be insultary. It's called ZSNES. I said it before Agozer did! I win! Wheres my cookie. Too kookies 4 u wit whipped crem.
  11. I didn't know those games got OSTs released.... Either way, check DC++, P2P and BitTorrent sites (the standard answer).
  12. Please, at least get the emulator name correct.
  13. Hey that's my line! What the evil bump. © Agozer
  14. Hahahah....A lot of talkshow hosts that have interviewed the cast have asked the same thing. Makes me wonder...
  15. -Deleted: Damn Mr. G beat me to it. -
  16. console based games will never be in mame. Since MAME is an arcade emulator.
  17. What does it do? My old PC makes the game slower, while my current PC makes it 10 times faster?! Full Throttle makes NRX go at 200% speed. I fail to see the usefulness in that. EDIT: Oh wait. Taken from the Readme: If you have 60hz as refreshrate at res640x480 or res320x240 use tripple buffering with VSYNC and enable full throttle (press '9') to get the most steady frame rate.
  18. Get TMPGEnc. I forgot the link, so Google for it.
  19. Wow, that's too strict, way too strict, and we can only see our warnings, correct? Why is that so strict? Two times should be enough to make people realize that they have broken the rules in one way or the other.
  20. Why would one use Full Throttle?
  21. First of all, try your roms off CD. Next put frameskip to 0 and/or enable VSync.
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