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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. I would advice you not to play all games in EGCG NeoRAGEx v4.2...It does not play all games without bugs. I use that NRX just for Metal Slug 5, SVC and Samurai Shodown V. NeoRAGEx v0.8c for everything else. Why? Mainly because 4.2 doesn't support the Universe BIOS. Secondly, why bother using Romcenter at all for NRX roms? It hands out errors even if your romsets work like a charm...Well, maybe it's just me. Contact me if you need more advice.
  2. What... I'm confused...can anyone explain what that means. I don't understand it either...
  3. My bad. I mixed it with the Atomiswave KOF.
  4. There is no in-game code for them. You can use a cheat code or a P1 hack depending on the emulator in use....or search for a trainer.
  5. What are your computer specs? MAME isn't designed to run on slow computers.
  6. Haha... You shouldn't be talking to yourself on a message board.
  7. Duke Nukem Forever, my man. Practically the only other game that I'm waiting for with as much anticipation as Half-Life 2 and Doom III. Development for the game started in 1998 and its still going on with no release date in sight. Back to KOF Maximum Impact, is this a PS2 exclusive? Duke Nukem has become the dreaded infinity project . 3D Realms even started it from scratch at one point. What I understood, KOF: MI should be out only on Atomiswave and the PS2, so yes.
  8. He is definitely somebo(d)dy, but I don't know who.
  9. Right on Mr. G, right on...Everything will turn out OK.
  10. "Do you remember me? You better do, or else..."
  11. Oh yes, I am the man. No. You're the "G". This curse will be with me my entire life...I will always be bonded to Kenny G Can I wash this sin?! I am damned and marked for Satan's lair! This is my sad horrible life... Be proud of your "G".
  12. How do graphics error equal playable? Little graphics errors are fine, but using a P1 from a different game...Nothing "good" should come out of that.
  13. Oh yes, I am the man. No. You're the "G".
  14. I'm with you if you plan on making it compatible with my chinese counting frame Oh, and did I mention I code by pressing the keys using psychokinesis? Ohhhhhh....you got teh l337 style.
  15. Is this a trick question?
  16. Use the Universe BIOS...Fun factor +200%, but that's just my opinion.
  17. Virtua Fighter has always been a very technical fighting game. There are even SOECIAL VF FAQs for Tekken players on GameFAQs.
  18. Don't worry about that man. I'll ill equipped... I mean, I don't have the cameras or the sound devices or the cash to scrounge up the hookers Equip yourself with "dncashman" LOL (Duke Nukem reference for those who don't know)
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