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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. Your "haiku" sucks ass. Five-seven-five, it should be. Not one is proper.
  2. Universe BIOS http://bios.cps2shock.com/ Neo-Geo trainers (I don't know about compatibility though) http://www.geocities.com/the_cheat_page/ Kawak/Nebula cheat DAT will do the trick too...
  3. Before you lies one. Sucky haiku, but you see, Agozer is l337.
  4. I had a chinese site with GP32 roms in it (all working), but it has shut down...
  5. You should always make sure that the roms are unaltered (this rule applies to all roms and rom images)... You won't believe how many bug reports come to the ZSNES board...only to be verified as "bad checksum = bad rom".
  6. Programming languages... C is like child's play compared to ASM. Emulators like NeoRAGEx is purely coded in ASM. Anyway, if you know all about ASM coding/reverse engineering and hacking someday, I'll consider you a God. It's a lot easier to make changes to a C code than to an ASM code. A single menu item takes several lines of ASM code jargon compared to C's one or two lines.
  7. You happen to be chinese, Tidus? Well, anyway....Happy New Year.
  8. Your rom names and their CRCs don't match the DAT file. Try editing the DAT file so that it has the rom names and CRCs correct. Backup the old file first.
  9. Yes, but this is a Treasure Hunter G topic. I haven't played much Ys myself, except Ys V Expert which is in japanese...
  10. Are you sure that you have the Kawaks set of MS4? Not MAME or anything like that.
  11. There's just Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X.
  12. Yes, we know. But I don't use EGCG solely for all games...Bugs and all you know.. I just use it for SSV and SVC.
  13. You are correct. There are no emus for the Hyper Neo-Geo 64, and probably won't be. The games haven't even been dumped as far as I know.
  14. NSRT Nach's SNES Rom Tools... I find this better than GoodSNES, it's from the ZSNES developer. I forgot the site, but I'll dig it up.
  15. Treasure Hunter G is one of the best RPGs Square has put out... The battle system is quite innovative.
  16. Umihara Kawase Violinist of Hameln Wonder Project J Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Tokubehuten
  17. You need technical documents and a good knowledge of C or Assembly. http://www.zophar.net hosts lots of tech docs, but I don't think NAOMI's in there.
  18. Use the framelimit setting in the gfx plugin settings... What are your specs?
  19. You missed the point or you were being sarcastic. Anyway, Ad-Aware 6 for me.
  20. Apparently they've had lots of training, since you said that they lived there.
  21. NeoRAGEx is written in pure Assembly and it's generally much harder to code than C. It's also harder to make changes to an emulator that is written in ASM. A good example of this is the ZSNES GUI, which hasn't been rewritten, because it's in ASM. Although Nach has been porting massive amounts of ZSNES' ASM code to C, and the upcoming version will have a completely rewritten GUI.
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