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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. Best - All Zelda games or Mario 64 Sorriest...You mean worst? Well...Castlevania 64.
  2. I've never watch Ultraman, but judging from the screenshots and a few SNES games, Ultraman sucks big donkey balls. Hell, even Power Rangers is better than that.
  3. Try to change the key settings around...Sometimes the keys won't "overlap" anymore... Just change them around till you find the correct keys. I think this problem is because in modern keybords, the keyboard buffer is smaller since manufacturers though that no one uses more than 4 keys at the same time. So the buffer can only hold the data of 3-4 keypresses simultaneously and when the buffer overflows, you hear that annoying beep...
  4. I'm definitely waiting for this... But only time will tell if my wait is worth it...To tell the truth, I'm a bit skeptical though...
  5. Well, I've always considered the Silent Hill games to be "a graphical measuring stick" for the PS2. I mean seriously, there will not be a better looking game for the PS2 than Silent Hill 4 and Gran Turismo 4.
  6. Just use SnesAmp, it's a Winamp plugin and works wonders with SPC playback.
  7. I'd give you that, but your Hotmail account is too small...
  8. Do you mean the messed up graphics or what? If that's the case, No...
  9. I know the feeling... I know this sounds retarded, but I'd like to test a Virtual Boy
  10. What do you mean you can't find a Matrimelee moves list in GameFAQs??? it's there, believe me.
  11. I can't play Silent Hill games without feeling a tiny bit squezy...But that just adds to the "coolness" factor.
  12. There is such a program...unless it's the very same one you coded.
  13. - Telemarketers - Gangsta Hip Hop/Rap - Yes, the horrible state of the english language in the internet - R&B (J.Lo) and more...
  14. Such pictorial goodness...Man, and I thought that Silent Hill 2 and 3 looked awesome.
  15. I haven't used either one of them, but....I might go with Kawaks.
  16. If it's anything like Texas it will do much worse things.... Double-loLzors P.S. No offence to any texans that might come by here.
  17. Like I've said a few times before, I use EGCG only to play SVC and SSV... NRX 0.8c plays everything else. (except Metal Slug 5) I use scanlines only because it gives me a speed boost....I've gotten used to it.
  18. Rudora no Hihou/Treasure of the Rudras is quite hard for an RPG... Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
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