You basically need the EGCG NeoRAGEx for SVC Chaos and Samurai Shodown 5. The old NeoRAGEx versions play everything else. The older "hacks" such as 0.7, 0.8a/b/c are only gamelist hacks. 0.9 has other improvements too, I believe. I've played ROTD with 0.8c for a long, long time.
To my knowledge, there is no suicide move in SS5...I may be wrong. yes, there is it. I was playing the game on neorageX and the move works, but not on WinKawaks, which is totally odd. I stand corrected then.
TOSEC (The Old School Emulation Center) is a group of people who are working on a renaming standard for dumped files. If I remember correctly all the rom naming conventions such as [!], , etc. came to be because of them.
Erm.....Tidus, it would be easier to read your posts if you would use a space after a period (.) and a comma (,)... Followed by not typing every words' First Letter As A Capital... Just a suggestion.
Try looking for KOF2001/KOF2002 rom fixes in the internet... If I remember correctly, I've had similar problems long ago, but the fixes fixed everything.. --- What so wrong about NeoRAGEx? I use it constantly.
I name all my roms according to game as I don't like to use clones. SVC I just renamed to SNK Vs. Capcom I've never gone into the MAME/Kawaks/Nebula type renaming such as or If you care for this info, my SVC rom was originally named
Patience, my friend. I'm a NeoRAGEx user myself and I'm sure Metal Slug 5 will work soon enough in NRX. Just look at SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos and Samurai Spirits Zero.