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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. King of fighters Maximum Impact 2 until the picture stabilizer component in my TV fried itself and everything went to hell.
  2. Heavenly Strike Rain Something Something!! *swoosh* *crash* *boom*
  3. ... The Tales series just keeps going in its nth installment, and Europe never sees any of them. Except for that bastard orphan child Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube folks.
  4. I'd likely enjoy a PC version. But am currently playing the PC version of RE4 with PS2 pad and it's frustrating. No sidesteps? Cmon .. If shoulder view, please make it a playable one Sidestepping would make the game too easy, and there has never been sidestepping in a RE game. It's enough that you can do context-sensitive dodge moves even some enemies use certain attacks.
  5. Damn, being a Star Ocean fan more or less forces me to buy a 360.
  6. The French guy? No, you're talking about Demon Siege. Jean Reno. I love that actor.
  7. Hardly Tech Talk material. Pay attention to where you post. Moved. Also, warned as the result of failure reading the board rules. To reiterate an earlier reply, there is no Maga Man Legends 2 for the N64. It's a PSX game. Mega Man 64 is the N64 port of the original Mega Man Legends, end of story.
  8. And Sony just couldn't be bothered to put in a faster BD drive... they had to have know that data seeking takes a long time - longer than most are willing to put up with.
  9. Excellent news, I must say.
  10. Would someone be courteous enough to explain to me why the flock do we have to put up with ridiculously sized HDD installs on a console like the PS3, when the damn system uses Blu-Ray discs as its primary medium?
  11. Life seems to be treating you harshly. I wouldn't want to be there.
  12. DOA2 (or rather, perhaps DOA2: Ultimate) is the culmination of the entire series for me.
  13. Ys: The Ark of Napishtim Viewtiful Joe Just beat that half-witted Shark guy in VJ
  14. Richard Bannister is probably the only person in the entire known Internet that actually cares about emulation on Macs by porting at least some emulators for OSX.
  15. Yes but it is not always when i am burning a dvd it could happen at any given time. i swear this thing is haunted. I experienced the same with my old DVD burner. Needless to say, getting a new drive under warranty solved all the problems I had. As a rule of thumb, if disc burning becomes requires you to cross your fingers and hope for the best, it's time for you to ditch the cripple and get a brand spanking new one.
  16. Different hardware that is more complex than the aforementioned two. But then again, I could be wrong, maybe it's your drivers that are borked and after a driver update everything will work fine. It's also worth noting that Dreamcast emulation, especially in terms of graphics, is far from perfect. So this can also amount to graphical flaws in certain games.
  17. I want part 3 already.
  18. I voted none o the above, because: 1. I've never touched any of them. 2. I hate to form opinions on matters that I know very little about Now, in the light of what has been said in the past and taking into consideration what the future might hold, I'll probably for for the PS3. Thanks to the Blu-Ray drive.
  19. Yes, you are being rude. This isn't IRC, have some patience. The amount of RAM you have or what kind of a video card you have do not play such a big role, at least not as big as your CPU. That is, you don't have to have huge amounts of RAM or the latest and greatest graphics card to be able to use emulators just fine. Emulation of any system is heavily dependent on CPU speed. The graphics card simply provides and output for the graphics and does little else. RAM usually just needed to store the required amount of texture data. Having said all this however, your graphics card is the culprit is you have weird lines, as it's teetering on the line of what's considered below minimum requirements and nearly worthless for emulating complex 3D hardware. Why? The GeForce4 MX 4000 is basically a GeForce2 with a slightly enhanced feature set, and a GeForce2 is definitely below any perceived minimum requirements for Dreamcast emulation. The only thing you can do is to update your graphics card drivers and hope for the best, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you, though.
  20. You DVD drive's laser is flocked up perhaps? It's not uncommon for something like this to happen. CDs use a different laser after all.
  21. Good. I haven't completed it yet though, so I will either have to complete the game or understand the story completely. I cannot make a review without knowing the story, and I don't want to copy and paste the story line. I haven't finished it either. Got stuck at a somewhat nasty boss, then barely cleared it and thought that I must do better; so the second round awaits.
  22. I'm waiting for your take on Onimusha DoD. In my opinion, the game is great, although like all Onimusha games, sometimes brutal.
  23. Everything was and is just fine and dandy.
  24. Your only option is updating your drivers and using Jabo's Direct3D6 plugin, which is included with Project64. If/When games bug out with that, there's nothing you can do, except buying an actual graphics card that doesn't suck.
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