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Everything posted by stealthcat

  1. i should have access to a scanner by wednesday (gotta go back to my parents house). to clarify, if you send back the insert with the PS2 KOF 2000/2001, snk will send you a pack of 5 cards (total set has like 27) with artwork from the two games. a way to get gullible people like me to buy snk games for mainstream systems, which i do anyways. (So far, this means KOF '95, KOF '99, Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition and Samurai Showdown: Warrior's Rage, for PSX. And KOF 2000/2001 for the PS2. I don't pay attention to GBA, but there is stuff like KOF: Neo Blood out there) i'm trying to find a link that had all the cards scanned til i get my measly 5 scanned. it's kof artwork that everyone has pretty much seen already on trading card format. Edit I found the link, it's ign's, pretty old, here you go: http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/567/567901/img_1842524.html http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/567/567901/img_1842525.html http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/567/567901/img_1842526.html
  2. Anybody get their KOF 2000/2001 cards yet? Mine just came yesterday
  3. "And the main problem I do have with religion now, is the thing you said about believers saying that all nonbelievers are going to hell. " -GryphonKlaw Not all religions say that if you are not a member, you will go to hell, the Catholic religion says that as long as you live with morals, you can have a good afterlife. I understand your point though, Protestants tell me I'm going to hell all the time. And the commercialized Santa and any form of Santa is based off of St. Nicholas. He wore red and would leave little presents to children who left their shoes out on Christmas. He probably had a beard, but I don't know about the Ho Ho Ho part, that's cheesy
  4. For those who haven't seen the movie, you can laugh all you want about the various things you heard. But until you've seen it, all you are doing is sounding foolish. Granted, I respect your right of free speech, but there are some things you need to know. The Passion is a meditation of the sacrifice that Jesus went through. If you are Christian, you will learn about how the Messiah took the ultimate pain and sacrifice. If you are not Christian or not religious at all, you will leave with a sense of the brutality of human nature and how one man went the ultimate length for his faith and beliefs. I am Catholic and took a friend who is not religious. He said the movie got to him too, because it is very emotional. Honestly, you really can't watch the movie without being disturbed. In no way is the violence suppose to be entertaining. In fact, some historians say it is toned down from what would have gone down. (Yes, most historians agree that Jesus of Nazereth really existed, this claim is made indepedent of any religious beliefs. And for whoever made the comment about Santa, he was based off of a bishop named St. Nicholas who also existed. just an FYI ). I urge everyone to watch this, it is a well done movie. (It was also made on charity. As in, Mel Gibson fronted his own money, and none of the actors were paid. ) That alone tells people that this is not for entertainment. I hope that you people post again, AFTER watching the movie. (Watch it like any other movie, though, don't just mock, give it a chance befre you judge). This film is about sacrifice.
  5. I liked how Anti winner broke down the generation. I think 1st and 2nd generation gamers would be of the old school definition. I grew up with Atari 2600 and Colecovision and moved on to Famicom, SNES, PS1 and the PS2, while occasionally delving into new school PC games and old school arcade as well.
  6. Way of the Warrior 3DO, I played it at a store, controls sucked so bad i could only jump straight up. Guaranteed worse than most of the entries posted thus far. So bad that only one other member has mentioned it.
  7. carts were expensive, some snes games were around $70.00. so a $50.00 streets of rage could've been probable.
  8. Here's my list and what I played them on: Ninja Gaiden (Arcade, NES) Altered Beast (Arcade) Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Arcade) Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) Final Fight (Arcade) Rebel Assault (PC) Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Chrono Trigger (SNES) Mortal Kombat (Arcade, etc...) Street Fighter Alpha (Arcade, etc...) Final Fantasy VII (PSX) King of Fighters '97 (Import PSX) Virtua Fighter 2 (Arcade) Samurai Showdown IV (Arcade) Area 51 (Arcade) Metal Gear Solid (PSX) Tekken 3 (Arcade, PSX) StarCraft (PC) Garou: MOTW (Dreamcast) Street Fighter III (Arcade) Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (Arcade) Devil May Cry (PS2) Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (PS2, Xbox)
  9. they are confirmed fakes. entertaining though.
  10. Capcom vs snk 2 for sure. The best two fighting game franchises with a large selection of characters and fighting styles. The transparency effects kicked ass and I liked the look of the artwork.
  11. I post at work during the day, at night, after class and also in the wee hours of the morning. U sually super late at night when it's dead.
  12. I'm on celeron, hehe, but my computer runs my emulators smooth as heck. I just can't multitask over 5 apps too well at a time.
  13. what move patch? edit: how do you get a ps2-to-usb controller working in jamesmame? hm.. i don't know why some people are complaining about the moves. I've been able to do all that I tried, including LDM's. ps2 to usb works in Mame fine. Press tab after you get into MAME and the custom menu will come up. Generally, PS2 controllers are already preconfigured for SNK games (the 4 attack buttons and d-pad are). If you need to set up your controller to your computer, go to aldotools.com for drivers.
  14. LOTR got shafted 2 times already, just let it win for once. Can't believe it lost to Godsford Park 2 years ago
  15. hey james, i tried to run your mame build w/ kof 2003 (it runs fine on two other Mame builds) , it keeps saying that the m1 is incorrect in length, i tried to replace it w/ 2 other different m1's but it still won't work. do you know how to fix this?
  16. jesus did not say that, the halftime show did suck, i didn't mind seeing her breast, and the FCC is now investigating the event.
  17. I turned 22, today!!!!
  18. i stuck the boss bios in my rom folder, but nothing new is happening, do i need to do something else? i read all the prev posts already EDIT: Ok, i figured it out, i should stop staying up so late, can't think at this kind of hour
  19. I think that the KOF series is harder for beginners than SFA. Some people call the KOF engine to be more precise, I just call it out dated, feels like the old SF2 and old FF games.
  20. I read an ad in a gaming mag about special director's cut of the last 6 episodes being released (I live in the U.S.). Does anyone know more about this? I have seen the original series, Death & Rebirth and End of Evangelion already.
  21. Supposedly, KOF 2003 is the last MVS game, future games will be on Sammy's Atomisware. It's good for SNK, so they can stop losing money to bootleggers, but will also be the end of future Neo Geo emulation.
  22. is there a tutorial out there on writing MAME drivers? i have no idea where to start on them
  23. Here's my opinion on the whole matter. I am for SNK over Capcom (this post might seem to go the other way) but graphics wise, SNK is too old school for my tastes these days. SVC looks like crap compared to CVS2. In the Capcom version, even if it wasn't consistent through the selection of characters, most people looked cool in the game. In the SNK version, some people looked really awesome like Dimitri and Genjuro, but a lot looked like crap, such as Akuma and Sagat who just looked plain gumpy. (Gameplay, I felt that both games screwed with the SNK style of gameplay ) One of the main reasons why SNK isn't as mainstream in the U.S. as Capcom is because of the out of date hardware. Those who are cult fans like us can tolerate the graphics, but most of my friends will pass by seeing me playing a KOF or SVC ROM and they always ask if I'm playing a SNES game when they see the graphics. The reason they say that is everyone is used to the CVS2 or Guilty Gear styled graphics with good translucent effects (unlike SVC's wacked out attempt). The old school style has long been passed by and yes, graphics alone can be a deciding factor for the casual gamer. It is true that SNK tries to tweak the characters more. But people usually just on graphics over the gameplay (move changes). Even if SNK sprites change more than Capcom, they are not noticed as much. Why? Because they look too similar. To the average gaming eye, if you have minor tweaks of Terry Bogard in the KOF Series, it is going to unnoticed. I really only count the Garou sprite as his real major update. However, Ryu in the SF series, I count his conversion from SF2 to the Alpha (I include the MVC w/ Alpha) and then to SF3 (I'm not counting EX cuz it's 3D). Ryu switches head band and hair colors and new art styles. This is noticed by more gamers because of the engine change! Terry only had a vastly different engine in Garou and I loved fluidity and different feel. In terms of Kyo though, he does have a lot of costume changes and vast move differences, I count 3 major tweaks for him. He has been stuck with the same graphics engine though. When the grapics engines change, so does the game engine. Example, SF3 plays a lot different than SFA. Alpha, the way i describe it, is more button mashing and fast paced. SF3 is just smooth as heck (smoother than even Garou, even though Garou is considered super smooth in SNK terms). KOF and SVC though feel almost exactly the same from KOF 94 through SVC. It feels stiff and lacking the animation that SF3 and GG have. I am an SNK fan but, call me a sucker, I want more animation (KOF 2002 sucks because the extreme lack of it). OK, so I've debated my points on graphics and game engine. What is left? The characters . SNK's mainstays beat Capcom anyday. People like Terry, Kyo, Iori, and K' look bad as heck and have the coolest intros, taunts, costume design and winposes. The supporting cast can't hold its own compared to Capcom's supporting cast though. People like Maxima, Benimaru, Daimon, all the stupid stupid Kyo clones and the Ikari Warriors (don't get me wrong, I love playing Ralf and Whip) are lame in character design. Capcom's newest characters suck too (new comers in Alpha 3 and some of the SF3 cast). Yes, Ryo was a total ripoff of the original karate guy and I think the whole Dan idea is hilarious. That is not to say that Capcom doesn't ripoff SNK though. I feel that the twins in SF3 are a ripoff of Kensou. In conclusion, it is happy news to hear of the SNK hardware change. It was long overdue and the change might bring SNK back into competition and out of its underdog cult statis. I hope Playmore can stop being lazy and stop trying ruin SNK's franchises (recent example, Samurai Showdown 5). Stupid Playmore punks.
  24. its a bit torrent, download and open it, then it will start downloading from everyone else that already has the kof 2003 file. it is the fastest way to download when people have the same torrents up. i dl in 20 min
  25. the mame32 has the default layout for snk fighting games, i wish you could change it for the capcom ones though. whoever finds the.dat files for KOF 2003, be sure to post news about it what is the unicows do anyways? where do you put it in the emulator or windows? ***Edit: oh James, if you make a new driver for Mame be sure to tell us , cuz i'm a dumb newbie who doesn't know how to make my own yet.
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