Hmm, tough one! Favourite Super Hero: Batman and then Silver Surfer Favourite Villain: Skeletor, and then the Joker. I would say Venom, but Venom is also abit of a hero too, in his twisted kind of way. Favourite superhero movie: The first Batman movie, with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I think it is the best Batman film. Worst superhero movie: Batman Forever - what suckage. Worst character: He-Man. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!!! Ever since I was alittle kid I hate him! Go Skeletor! Hopeful movie: A Silver Surfer movie would be good, because it would be very weird and unique. I would also like an Iron Man movie, but I'm scared it would turn out something like Robocop 3, which was really dodgy.