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Everything posted by Chaotica

  1. If the windshield wipers are in a unique class, then I can see why they would be hot to filch, because they would be in demand. And your car is still quite new, so it would be a target for thieves. Everytime I park my car at the train station to go to the city, I get the jitters, because it is such a hot spot for thieves, and my car is still fairly new, and a popular model. Thieves here will just about steal anything off your car, dismantling it more quickly and more efficently than a Ferrari pit crew. That's if they just don't steal your entire car altogether. So yeah, I feel sorry for you, Agozer. I hope everything resolves itself for you soon.
  2. Have Ken bashing up Ryu - now that would be good. It's the way it was always meant to be!
  3. I agree with Fatal and give it a 6. I like the Ghouls n' Ghosts theme - maybe try and add some fog/mist overlapping the characters?
  4. I've got it, and all that would be still worth it.
  5. Does dial up + FTP downloads work? Or do you need a faster connection? And where do you find some of these FTP sites, usernames, and passwords?
  6. This is great! WinUAE powers on, and with it Amiga emulation! My only question...if its a beta, is it stable or not?
  7. I wouldn't delete it, I have my morals... ...but I would love to read its contents!
  8. Very nice pictures, especially of the ship in the middle of town? What is that place? Is it just for ornamental reasons, or is it some kind of bar? If it's a bar, then that is one very cool bar. The food also looks delicious, especially the noodles.
  9. Hola! I don't think I ever refresh!
  10. I can't take any mint except the really weak stuff, I just can't stand the burning taste!!!
  11. Happy Birthday mate, be sure to have a wild one!
  12. Hmm, I have a Radeon and I was able to change it. It's a great game. Don't want to question your intelligence or anything...but I remember I couldn't change it for awhile merely because I was forgeting to press "Apply" or something at the bottom of the screen, and pressing "Back" instead. You sure you not doing that? And I know, I'm a noob
  13. Lol, like the doctor's out fit, K Man!
  14. Splatterhouse games: 1 & 2 have very poor playability, but the third is very playable. All are quite twisted and scary tho! Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker is another good one. Shadow of the Beast games are always great, whatever the platform. Again, they are very hard. And Skitchin is one great rollerblading game! It roxxors!
  15. Well, I used to take him seriously, so I used to find his comments quite inflammatory Now I realise that he is just some idiot with a big mouth, so now it is okay.
  16. First of all, I loved Manhunt. It had the stealth of Thief with great atmosphere and tension, like a good horror movie. Creeping up behind people and "snuffing them out" never lost its appeal. The gunfights in the game were also fun. Playing the game at night with all the lights switched off was a great experience. The violence was extreme...but was also an integral part of the game, just like violence is an integral part of a Tarantino film. I can understand how alot of people are turned off it, either because of the violence, or because the game is little more than hide + execute or shoot. But if you enjoy those core gameplay elements (like me) then Manhunt is a very enjoyable game, if you can stomach it. Secondly, this banning is ludicrous, and will only make the game more popular amongst people who shouldn't be playing it. The ratings are there, and they should be used. "Mature" games are big business now...you aren't going to stop them by banning them. Parents should use the ratings to make the decision whether to purchase or not, not turn a blind eye. Games aren't just for little kids anymore, why can't the public (and parents, and critics and censors) realise that? Oh yeah, the game has also been banned in New Zealand, too.
  17. Have a good trip! I will miss your Shermie in your sig.
  18. My Dad owns a 1974 Volvo, and he loves it. It is big, and slow, and boxy, and has so much metal on it, it may as well be a tank. It has also got a very large, menacing bumper bar at the front. So anyway, in Australia, lots of people hate "bloody Volvo drivers." My Dad cops it alot, but he is in love with the car so much, he doesn't care.
  19. If it was K'Dash or Shiba - challenge them to a Q3A deathmatch If it was anyone else - well, I would be friendly, I suppose!!!
  20. I have a fear of spiders. Bad. A few months ago, I was chatting on the internet, late at night, and my room was dark. It was a hot summer night, so all I had on was boxer shorts. And I feel something on my thigh. I look down from the keyboard, and vaguely, in the darkness, saw the outline of a big black spider, crawling across my lap!!! I swatted it away, and fled like hell. I have never been so scared in my life. In my escape, I put a nasty gash on my leg when it scratched my desk. The spider didn't fair well - as I pushed off my desk chair, it fell off, and the wheels beneath the desk chair crushed it. I barely will go 5 metres close to spiders, and I had one on my lap. Sheesh.
  21. One word: SPAM!!! No, well done 1emu! Its great we discuss so much stuff so often
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