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Everything posted by Chaotica

  1. Same here. It's what made the original so kooky!
  2. I'm ok with the controls. I mean, I can execute most of the move. Except for Duolon 236+P, 6+K, 214+P. They should have made the last move motion half circle back instead of quarter circle back. What do the numbers mean? - Noob
  3. Long shot...but maybe you just need some sleep? Are you really being harsh on your eyes? Maybe you just need to give them a rest.
  4. It was the games for me too. I was long into electronic gaming type stuff, and I went all drooling at my friends' Atari, C64, NES, Sega Master System and so on. And at the arcades. I had to wait awhile, but finally my parents got me an Amiga 500 when I was 10 or so. Oh the memories! Oh the games! I didn't do too much production wise with it, but I started mucking up with graphics and stuff when I moved on to a PC a few years later. Still like the games too!
  5. I wish I lived where you guys lived, there is no stuff like this Down Under! At least none that I am aware of.
  6. Apart from the combos and some of the moves being abit tight, I think it is a great game. It has a faster pace than its predecessors, the new characters are very cool, the music is great and the graphics are pretty good too. And the tag option is an interesting change. And its got Tizoc, too!
  7. I go to Melbourne University, and until the arcade place was closed there 6 months ago, Tekken Tag Tournament reigned supreme. The skills of those guys, playing between lectures and classes, was just amazing. It was the most competitive game in the place, with Street Fighter III Third Strike in second. It was great watching those guys play - they didn't ruin the game by button mashing, which is TTT's only vulnerability, IMO. They were just awesome. I challenged a few times, but I always got slaughtered
  8. I don't think I have ever ripped anything open, but I do spend alot of time in newsagencies just reading their magazines - I only leave when the workers there look at me with nasty facial expressions. I don't know...but you can so easily skim through gaming mags. Check the preview pages for what games are coming out soon, and check the review pages for the scores games got. And that's about it, really. And magazines are so expensive these days, too!
  9. I can't believe s/he is still maintaining that attititude, and still asking the same question! Escape From Jenny Island's posts look nothing like Jennyx3 posts. I wonder if Escape will notice this thread?
  10. There are a few services that let you send emails to mobile phones these days though, and apparently they are free.
  11. lol, that's really good stuff, Random! Tell us what the message said!
  12. Have a good trip, Diso!
  13. Do you think this genre can be resurrected into something close to its former glory? I miss these games so much, and I love them so much too!
  14. Tell him/her that we all enjoyed reading the thread again, when it was resurrected... ...and remember to mention that Decathlete is a crap game!!!
  15. Try WinFellow first, it is easy to use and get the hang of. Use WinUAE when you feel more confident. It is abit more complicated, but it is probably the better emulator because of its configurability, and that it is always advancing. Then again, I have recently heard that WinFellow is also back in the works, so expect WinFellow updates soon! And remember, you need the kickstart roms to do anything. Have fun!
  16. It does look abit weird, but I honestly don't mind. I think most have a reason to be there, and the ones that aren't that significant to everyone (the RPG thread, the Music thread) will probably just keep getting "bumped" if they weren't stickied, anyway. So yeah, I don't mind.
  17. I don't know if this will work... But if you can install from the backup, do a full install, and find a no cd patch off the net. Try searching Game Copy World, Game Burn World or Mega Games for the no cd patch file. Good luck.
  18. lol, I am a dude, Cominus. And thanks everyone for their kind comments.
  19. I'd be a bird, so I can experience flight, feel the air in my face and wings, and crap and piss wherever I want, whenever I want.
  20. Well, its good that you are still with us, mate, and I hope everything goes well for you too LSD. I have fallen asleep during lectures, directly in front of the lecturer. Some don't care, but some get annoyed. But sometimes the urge to sleep is too powerful. Especially early morning lectures when I know I should be at home in bed still. I fall asleep alot on the train. People say its dangerous to do that, but the gentle rocking motion of the train always knocks me out anyway.
  21. lol. Mine varies, but in the last few months it has been more or less consistent, so I would say 2 - 4 hours most of the time, sometimes alittle more when I am bored, or when a game is engrossing me. Or a particular kind of website.
  22. I think mine would be bigotry. I would love to wipe that clean from all of humanity.
  23. I have played so many FPS I have lost count. Anyway, I used to never select "invert mouse" with these, I just used to leave it as is. Just recently, I have gotten into third person shooters, like BloodRayne and GTA3. When I started playing these, I found I was more comfortable with "Invert Mouse" selected - I guess it had something to do with seeing the character in front of me, and seeing where they are aiming. Now, when I go back to FPS, I feel all awkward! I don't know whether I should invert my mouse or not, and which way points up and down anymore! (My Q3A skills are slipping because of this - blasphemy!!!) So, do you invert the mouse when you play games?
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