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Everything posted by Chaotica

  1. I had a boring day at work, as all the work has dried up. I know I should be happy doing nothing and getting well paid for it, but I'm not. Came home, and, for shame, I watched Big Brother. Now, I hate that show, but I do watch it every now and then because they always manage to have one or two hot chicks on it. And today, they had Pamela Anderson on it. I like sophisticated women, but she is my weakness. That hair! That ass! That cleavage! In my humble opinion, she looks even hotter now, at 41, then when she was in her twenties. Last night I had a horrible nightmare (which I forgot later on) and I couldn't get to sleep. Today, at work, I was half asleep, and I had to suck down a Red Bull to keep me awake. So tonight, I am going to bed early, and I'll dream of Pammy.
  2. I don't know the official stats, but everytime I come here and check out the Lounge, there are always some new posts. Not hundreds, but there are some. GC, I think you are being too hard on yourself.
  3. An interesting perspective. Thanks K.
  4. I finished Vampire - the Masquerade: Bloodlines, and I loved the multiple endings. The game is flawed but brilliant at the same time. I am up to the last races in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and the game is fantastic. It feels so fast! I'm going to be sad when it ends. I recently downloaded obtained Blood 2, and I am playing alittle of that now. (Yes, it runs on Vista - go figure). It is not as good as the first Blood. And I am reaching the end of The Suffering, which is one seriously twisted and indecent game. But an interesting experience also. I'll have to look at the sequel when I finish this one.
  5. Hello Tidus, I remember you. I used to be called Basara.
  6. I think Vista is better then XP.
  7. Vista before Service Pack 1 isn't very good, but I think Vista with Service Pack 1 is better then XP. I like Vista. It's easy to use, easy to nagivate, runs almost everything you throw at it and is pretty to look at.
  8. I'm an iD Software lover. I'm excited. I liked Doom 3, but it was obvious that the game could have been better. In my opinion, while a horror-aesthetic is great, Doom 3 should have been more about action then about the chills, but the game was in fact the other way around. Furthermore, most of the horror constituted of cheap scares, such as monster-closets, bumbling about in overly dark locations for too long, and demons appearing behind you. If you play Resurrection of Evil, you will notice that they tried to address this with more action scenes, and to an extent I think it worked. In my opinion, Doom 4 should be more like Quake 4. I loved Quake 4. I loved every second of it. All the old-timers on here would know that, prior to its release, I thought Quake 4 would be a disaster, because I didn't like Raven or the games they produced. How wrong I was! The beauty of Quake 4 was that it relished in simple, pure and arcade-like gunplay, and that all of the action set pieces were exhilarating, as opposed to most other FPS, where you might get a handfull of exciting action sequences dotted amongst mostly boring corridor to corridor find-the-red-key-card levels. I seriously thought all the action scenes in Quake 4 were memorable! And a word about monster closets - I still love them. But, they only work in games that don't take themselves overly seriously. They didn't work in Doom 3 because the game wanted you to take it seriously.
  9. It's far too early to poke criticism, and there's no doubt that I am excited about the release, but I must say, from the blossoming Diablo 3 website that I just looked at last night, I was left feeling unimpressed. Black Knight articulated my shortcomings with what I saw, but I will reiterate what I felt in my own way, in order of what annoys me most; 1. It...um...well...doesn't look very dark or gothic at all. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but the dark, brooding and bloody nature of the first two Diablo games were the key to its main aesthetic. In fact, the dark fantasy world, perpetually containing bloodstained walls, sealed chambers strewn with corpses and the frequent appearance of random pike-mounted heads, was Diablo's main, almost sadistic, aesthetic. Where has that gone? 2. The game seems to have shifted from a traditional Anglo medieval landscape to a more Eastern or Oriental setting, and if this is so then it is a move that I dislike. Not to sound racist, but I have always felt that Eastern influences in games with a medieval setting usually don't fit in well. I felt this way when Dungeons and Dragons amalgamated the Oriental into their game world, and also in Baldur's Gate II, where I thought that such influences (such as the katana blades, and, I believe, the fighting monks) were out of their place. Diablo has always found its home in a traditional Anglo medieval setting, but the website makes Diablo III look distinctly Eastern, Oriental or, by the looks of the helmets that the soldiers are wearing as the gaze into the fire, even Mongolian-esque. 3. The Witch Doctor looks interesting, but if he is indeed the Necromancer's replacement then that is a dumb move. 4. The graphics look too World of Warcraft. I don't understand why Blizzard is using the same (or a similar) graphics engine to release sequels to cherished Blizzard series. Surely Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 deserved their own engines, and if not both of these games, then at least one of them. All the games that Blizzard are going to release from, say 2003 to XXXX (insert date of Diablo 3 release) are going to look the same, with their squeaky clean, overly luminous and brightly coloured comic-book like graphics, which might look lovely for the colourful surrounds of the Warcraft universe, but feel foreign in the realm of Diablo. However, it's early days yet so that's why this point is the lowest on my list.
  10. I would end it with her and move on. Now that she has someone else's kid, she should realise that she is on her own.
  11. Welcome back. I was in NYC two months ago. I loved it.
  12. I would love plates with WTF on it!
  13. It amazes me that modern-day girls, and modern-day women, often have such low self esteem.
  14. When they tried to resurrect the franchise a few years ago, it didn't work either. At this rate, the only good Alone in the Dark game is...the very first one!
  15. Hope this thread isn't too old. SKITCHIN! Terminator 2 arcade Streets of Rage series Toejam and Earl Lotus Turbo Challenge I miss the Mega Drive days of old.
  16. I am going through three PC games. Near the end of Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines. I must say I have enjoyed it up to now, but I am feeling abit bored by the final levels. It has degenerated into a simple "find this to open this" and then "find that to open that" type structure, which I'm finding is not only boring me but really insulting my intelligence as a modern day gamer. Also, apart from a very hard boss (the Que Jinn lady), the game has become mind-numbingly easy, because you can sneak up to someone - but in broad daylight, right in front of them - and perform a backstab to dispatch your enemies. All your enemies. This takes away all the fun and suspense of achieving a stealthy kill, and makes the game too easy and a yawn fest. What a shame. Going through Need for Speed: Most Wanted. What a game! My favourite underground Need for Speed game and hell, my favourite Need for Speed game all up. The police pursuits are ridiculously unrealistic, but absurdly entertaining, and the game is so fast! When you get cars like the Lamborghini or the Corvette, the track and the city blur past, and you really have to hang on! The soundtrack is awesome, with more rock/metal stuff then crappy hip hop, which suits me, and the decision to set the game during the daytime (as opposed to the eternal night setting of the two previous Underground games) means you can enjoy the really great, colourful yet grittily industrial and realistic graphics. What a hoot! And finally, I am playing Dawn of War. I generally hate RTS games because I suck at them, but Dawn of War is really sucking me in. The reason? It is more focussed on action and battle strategy rather then mining resources and building 20+ buildings, and I love that. The resources flow in quite easily, letting you focus on skirmish tactics rather then money management. I love how you pump out troops in groups (or squads), rather then produce one soldier at a time, ready to be slaughtered. I also love how you can instantly reinforce your squad, as well as the grisly and ultra violent gothic science fiction setting. And the intro is so cool!
  17. Now that sounds abit weird...but then each to their own, I suppose. I remember a documentary on tv once about people who had a fetish for amputees.
  18. I would love a mean, big black car, full of grunt, but with the petrol prices so high here, a slick and sporty small car is the current trend.
  19. I'm glad you are alright. Check out the Golf, the Holden Astra or the Ford Focus. If you have abit more money you could look at a Mazda 3.
  20. I honestly don't mind blemishes, a few pimples or bumps, or some make up that covers it up. I like it even better when a woman has the above and doesn't cover it up with make up. It's natural, it shows confidence and a rejection of a world which tells them to be perfect, and for that I think it is beautiful. So no, I am not turned off by things like that. Not at all. I even have a thing for girls with lots of freckles. As in, completely bathing their entire skin.
  21. I swing wildly between introvert and extrovert.
  22. I always forget my dreams. I wish I didn't. There must be wonderful stuff in them.
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