I was driving to another town to meet my friends to eat when some rowdy moronic teenages in 3 cars boxed me in. It was on a two lane road where I was in the right lane so one car drove up to my left, another went in front of me, and another in the back. God I was frustrated but I never let on that I was pissed otherwise I would have given those flocks the satisfaction. I went past where I was supposed to get off for a couple of miles and finally took a quick right and had to go back. I've heard of this happening on the way to that town before so I guess they're some immature gang with nothing better to do on a Saturday evening. Has this ever happened to you? What would you have done? While that was happening, I fantasized about all the things I'd like to do these guys if we lived in the Mad Max universe. I would have killed all of them.