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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. A new version of the Nintendo DS emulator has been released by Chris Double. Here are the changes: »» Official Site »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server] Credits: Chris Double via this thread
  2. Yeah, I just opened Kawaks 1.53 and checked. I'm not using a loader.
  3. Metal Slug 4 is working in the latest Kawaks so all you have to do it get a proper ROM (don't ask where to find it) and it should work.
  4. Oh my God...I really hope it's not a hoax. People shouldn't play such cruel jokes.
  5. I'm pretty sure he was driving more towards the idea that he doesn't want random people coming out of the woodworks asking for this emulator.
  6. That article didn't really mention anything that Intel said. But that's kind of weird since Intel didn't challenge Japan's ruling that Intel violated it's monolopy laws.
  7. To use spoilers tags: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  8. Serious Sam? I'm sure there is co-op in the XBOX but I don't really know. I played it 8 player co-op over the Internet. Good times.
  9. Well that's exactly how the book was but instead of a modern family in New Jersey it was one man in England. So if you expected some sort of vengance of counterattack then you obviously don't know the source material it's based on. This isn't Independance Day, it's War of the Worlds. I also edited your posts and added the spoiler tags.
  10. I had the original broadcast on an audio cassette. I can't find it but it was a great show. And it must have been even better back then since radio was all they had.
  11. Soldier of Fortune 2. I'm really pissed. I took my sister's DVD drive out of her computer just to install BF2. Well guess what, the DVD doesn't flocking work!! I have to go all the way back to have it replaced but I can't do it till next Thursday or Friday.
  12. I'm going to watch it this weekend. I hear many good things about it. A lot of people are complaining about the ending but I decided to find out even though it was a spoiler and it's the exact same as the novel.
  13. No, it doesn't have to be sold. http://www.google.com/search?biw=1280&hl=e...G=Google+Search
  14. What really bugs me about this is that these guys could get longer jail sentences than molesters and corporate flocktards that bilk everyone out of their live savings.
  15. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialne...d=apn_home_down These groups have been shut down: Owned. Unfortunately, the feds don't realize that by next week some warez crews will pop up to take over those guys. They might slow it down, but they're kidding themselves if they think they can eradicate it. I found this amusing. I don't think Bush should sign anything dealing with the Internet when he calls it the Internets.
  16. What DirectX do you have installed? What graphics card/chip are you using? Are your drivers up to date?
  17. Shoma, please don't resurrect old thread.
  18. MAME does but you'll need a powerful computer to run it. http://caesar.logiqx.com/html/games/doa.shtml will tell you all the emulators it works with. The site isn't working now but it should soon.
  19. Try putting that ROM in the Model 2 emulator directory and see what happens.
  20. In the Nebula Model 2 emulator directory, you will see EMULATOR.INI. Open it in Notepad. Then you'll see Just do what it says. So if your ROM is in D:\Model2roms then enter this just below what I quoted above: Hope it all works out for you.
  21. RESPECT THE COCK! AND TAME THE CUNT! He will forever be badass for that, no matter what he does.
  22. No. He tried to be clever in requesting a BIOS so I deleted his post so he wouldn't have the satisfaction of getting help.
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