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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. Yeah, but I don't like the rumors of why it's been delayed. They say that the game is huge but there is hardly any gameplay.
  2. They were hard as hell but the gameplay and design suited my tastes perfectly. But Agozer, you're right, they'll probably screw it up some how. I just go they don't.
  3. My town is getting a Chili's so that's pretty big news. The local Sizzler place is probably going to get a lot less business.
  4. I really like the one with the ship on page 5.
  5. I would watch it if Bill Gates dressed in Phat Farm.
  6. XNA is like a Visual Studio for game developers. I don't really know all the details but it's supposedly a full package that should cut down on development time and ease porting. But yeah, porting between systems (not only PC to XBOX2) will be pretty difficult. It'll be interesting to see how they do it.
  7. The right picture is a comparison shot. The one on the left is what was released on ourcolony.net.
  8. XNA is supposed to alleviate that problem I think.
  9. Enix and Squaresoft merged 2003 hence Square Enix.
  10. Woohoo!! Jagged Alliance 3D is being made! So awesome. Check out the link for screenshots and more info. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24670 If you're never played Jagged Alliance...then you suck. Plain and simple.
  11. I'm pretty sure Condemned is for PC and next gen systems. It's being made by Monolith and published by Sega.
  12. My eyes caught on this. The first Warhammer 40k was awesome, I hope the next release will be better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not the first Warhammer 40k, it's the first Dawn of War.
  13. Same reason why there are any games, because people like to play and will pay for a game like this.
  14. More XBOX 2 crap (I'm not calling it XBOX 360), and since I already posted in the other thread I don't want to double post. In case you haven't seen, this is rumored to be a shot of Project Gotham Racing 2: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/04/12/sc...119.html?page=2
  15. Yeah...XBOX 360 is a terrible name. And from the description of the design, I don't know if I like it. One bad thing is that it's going to be white! My Dreamcast is dirty as flock, if it were another color it would hide it well. But that 512 mb RAM news is coming from TeamXecuter. I don't know if I trust that completely, why would MSFT help them out? Aren't they synonymous with XBOX hacks? Someone correct me here if I'm wrong.
  16. That'd be nice. That'll be a great improvement in games since one of the biggest limiting factors has been memory. I wonder how much profit (or loss) MS is going to make on each of these systems... EDIT: And you should really link to your source everytime you post news like this. http://www.xbox-scene.com/index.php?newsvi...FuElkZEHGBSxpAf
  17. Well E3 less about a month away so a list is being compiled of games to be there. So far this is it: So what games are you looking forward to from this list and plan to follow during E3? Well I'll be following most of the PC games, more precisely: F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Star Wars: Empire At Work, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, The Movies, Black and White 2, Call of Duty 2, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Hitman Blood Money, and UFO: Aftershock. Also, Prey is said to be making an appearance there so that's what I'm really waiting for. Can't for media from that game. Since E3 is coming soon, except a lot of threads and talk about here. When the event actually comes there will probably be a stickied thread for those few days where all news and media can go. And flock you bastards that get to go.
  18. The FFVII demo I have is on an Eidos disc.
  19. "I am the Eggman. They are the Eggmen. I am the Walrus. Koo koo ka choo."
  20. Here is something I forgot to post: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4683 That's the alleged XBOX 2 controller. Read the article and see the reasoning why it is possible that that is really it. However, I'm sure that color is just prototype.
  21. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters I ain't afraid of no ghost!
  22. Just for the record, I called Drake a "flocking idiot" but removed the post because NeoMaster thought I was ruining the joke.
  23. http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/14...005/story.jhtml You know what the sad thing is? This will be better than any Uwe Boll movie.
  24. Oh thanks for the link! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME!!!!
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