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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. So who else is excited for this and seeing it this weekend? I'm going to try to see it this weekend.
  2. Nah, you look great Gryph. Very nice picture! I'm assuming everyone next to you are med students as well, right? I've gained like 15 pounds of fat and lost all my muscle. I guess I'm just vain. And yes, we are all med students there. I desperately needed a haircut too before I went but it was too late.
  3. It was a conference for Hepatitis B in the Asian population presented by the Asian-Pacific American Medical Student Association of which I am treasurer and Hepatitis B awareness chairman. The Asian dude to my left (right of me on the pic) is my friend. The guy on my right is someone from another school.
  4. I don't give a shit. That ought to be the choice everyone chooses if it was available.
  5. Here is me at the conference I attended recently. I need to start working out. My face is all fat now, as is the rest of my body.
  6. Seriously? That woman is something worse than stuff in my nightmares.
  7. I'm not looking forward to when I have to clean my case. I haven't gone it in over a year and this place is a dust hole.
  8. I'm playing on hardcore right now and haven't had those bugs. Odd.
  9. How far are you? I'm at the 54% mark after about 23 hours of play.
  10. I had in-n-out burger the other day and it was pretty good. The chocolate shake was bullshit though. totally offtopic.... oh yeah obama won there's in-n-out in Louisiana? I went to San Francisco for a conference this past weekend. It was out of my way but I made sure I went to In-n-out.
  11. I had in-n-out burger the other day and it was pretty good. The chocolate shake was bullshit though. totally offtopic.... oh yeah obama won
  12. I voted this morning. The lines were really long. I liked seeing the different groups of people from each precinct so I look forward to seeing each precincts vote count. There was one that was entirely black. The one I'm in was full of rich looking white people and progressive people. The one farther down was old people who looked like war vets who yell at people calling them communists and socialists.
  13. I was in San Francisco this past weekend attending a conference on Hepatitis B. It was really boring but then I got to go sight seeing with my friend and eat some nice Chinese food.
  14. Halloween in San Francisco is awesome. So many crazy people and hot chicks in skimpy clothing walking around every where.
  15. I'm really looking forward to Mirror's Edge. The last game I played was Far Cry 2.
  16. Is going to be so awesome. I have no real information like a title or release date but if you're into them then you might enjoy these videos of them playing 2 new songs from it. World's on Fire Warrior's Dance
  17. I just got back from Gamestop with a copy of Fallout 3 for PC! I didn't even pre-order!
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