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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. Valve? You're confusing Dead Space with Left4Dead (which will be absolutely glorious).
  2. I haven't been following this game much but it seems quite interesting. I'm not the biggest horror game fan as I get scared fairly easily and am jumpy but sometimes you need a kick in the balls. Gamespot review: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/dea...topslot;title;1
  3. I just got back from it and I liked it. Anyone else see it yet? There were 5 other people in the theater with us. Quite a low turnout.
  4. Here is one of the best trailer recuts I have ever seen.
  5. I don't think Tekken is a big enough title for the regular main stream crowd to actually make a difference regarding what platform it is released on.
  6. The next big 1emu update. I think version 4? An update to what? What is getting done? Stuff.
  7. The next big 1emu update. I think version 4?
  8. Things happen. GC is just a really really busy guy.
  9. lol hentai. this threads needs more yaoi.
  10. Stop pirating games and you'll be fine. Why would they let you change between the new and old dashboards?
  11. I think Nintendo planned that out well. By 2011 more people will have HD TVs than they did when Wii came out.
  12. You would have been worse of a person if you let the person on the phone let them have it. Unless you don't value your job then go for it. Dealing with shit like that is something you're just going to have to do and not make it a pride issue.
  13. I'm willing to make that trade of hassles for more stuff and more fun controls.
  14. Well it will only stretch so far behind. HL2 came with DX7 support which was not too bad. But compared to other big FPS companies like Crytek and id (to a certain degree, they're stuff is SUPER flexible) I've found Valve's approach to be more accommodating of older machines.
  15. Yeah, start a new thread for this and let's see if the spam goes there.
  16. I don't know about that but they're going to have downloadable games on th DSi. Pretty smart move.
  17. It's the DSi. http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/02/nintend...ounces-the-dsi/
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