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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. The quality and content of the posts is what is different about it. Just to be sure, 2emulation is not to be taken seriously.
  2. Oh this is so awesome!!! I must play this game now! HAHAHAHA! Star Wars Kid will rule the world one day. And yes, there is a petition going around to convince George Lucas to feature him in Episode III. EDIT: Here is the petition, sign it! http://www.PetitionOnline.com/Ghyslain/petition.html
  3. Yeah, it's lame if you don't play games competitavely or overly seriously. I get bored as hell watching these.
  4. I remember all this stuff when cell phones first became popular. Oh well, I don't use mine much anyway.
  5. Haha! How could I forget him! And I also forgot John Romero!
  6. Man...what is going on with people!? This is almost as bad as that woman in Germany who met a cannibal online and agreed to be eaten by him.
  7. Well I was talking to Fatal earlier today and we were talking about game developers so I decided to pose this question to you guys. Who are your favorite game developers/directors/project leaders/etc.? And if possible include your favorite game(s) by that person. Mine are: Sid Meier - Civilization, Pirates Peter Molyneux - Populus, Dungeon Keeper George Broussard - Duke Nukem 3D John Carmack - Doom, Quake, Commander Keen Feargus Uruquhart - Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate Warren Spector - Deus Ex
  8. I deleted that post for you. One of the perks of being a mod now is that I can get rid of unsightly double posts.
  9. I think they closed down the one that was released for Unix. Not sure though.
  10. Cell shading can use vertex shaders: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....rt/DXVertex.htm But it isn't necessary though: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1438.asp
  11. I don't know if it was that high but it was pretty damn high. We'll have to wait till the arcade comes back to make sure.
  12. Flashget works with Opera. http://www.amazesoft.com/ EDIT: So does GetRight: http://www.getright.com/opera.html
  13. Bloodhound Gang = The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope
  14. Here is this pretty cool thing that lets you use your Gmail account for online storage. It's still in experimental phase but it let's you copy and paste stuff straight from your hdd into it. http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm
  15. Says the wise martial arts master. You must strenghten your fists tiny grasshopper!
  16. Hahaha...XBOX is last, sweet. Bust rest assured, if that magazine was old enough for NES and SNES, Nintendo would definitely be on top.
  17. Oldboy is quite good. It's Korean but it's not a horror movie. I have yet to see Audition...I must see it. My friend saw it at a private screening at Stanford and he keeps raving about it, he even bought it on DVD.
  18. Those pics were probably taken on HDTV or an HDTV enable monitor. Well actually they might have been taken on a PC since most dev is done on PC for XBOX.
  19. Dreamcast because I actually own one. But this isn't a really fair comparison since the PS1 was out way longer than the DC. But since I like 2D fighting games and 3D Sonic, Dreamcast for me. There were cool games on the PS1 like the old KOFs, stuff like Spyro, etc. And I hate Final Fantasy which was one of the biggest selling points of the PS so it doesn't sit well with me.
  20. Kind of sad since that was the latest good game on the GC. I'm sure the new one with multiplayer will be pretty cool.
  21. And one game can't save an entire system. Genesis was awesome because of Sonic, but SNES just had so much more.
  22. Uh...I don't know how to check if its open. Go to Google and type in port scanner or something like that. This is how you open a port: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/protect/ports.mspx
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