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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I was addicted to Ultima Online...I'm glad I'm through with that.
  2. I'm not anti-rap but that song just sucks!
  3. Hahaha! That's nicely done. If I liked Nelly then I would have seen the whole thing but I couldn't pull myself to do it.
  4. HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man...that just made my night. Thanks Fatal. I love the camel toe.
  5. Hm...try using Alcohol 120%. Also, does your CD burner support Buffer Underrun protection? Most do now. And if it asks to overburn, say yes. I remember burning some even larger ISOs onto CD and it worked.
  6. If you want to read some funny Sims 2 stuff, you should check out this recent Something Awful feature. It's hilarious. http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2392
  7. I would love to call this number just to hear it. And I fixed the title. I didn't even notice it.
  8. Huh? Isn't that exactly what makes a ninja? And ofcourse these attributes: 1. Ninjas are mammals. 2. Ninjas fight ALL the time. 3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
  9. You can upload Sim City 4 cities into Sims 2 I think...
  10. This game is going to rule...to bad it's coming to PC in Q3 2005.
  11. Those guys got the same version (the release candidate) that was sent to Vivendi. I think this may be a keeper issue, I shall buy this one. Since it's being reviewed now, I hope it won't be too long till it's released. Vivendi better not be "holding it hostage." Anyway, here's a picture of the cover. This should be hitting the stores in a week. Muahahaha!
  12. Yeah man...The Sims are flocking insane. Will Wright must be laughing and rolling around in a pile of money.
  13. Anyone remember how back in the day the only channel on TV that would ever show anime was the Scifi Channel and that too only on Saturday mornings? And they'd alternate the same ones every weekend. Talk about the stone age.
  14. I counted him as big because he's flocking huge.
  15. Twisted Metal is fun as hell, we would play that all the time. But my favorite vehicule game is Carmaggedon 2, there's nothing like the satisfying squish of running some fat chick over.
  16. Are you Paypaling through your credit card or from your bank account? If you are from your credit card, you don't really have to worry about fraud since all major companies have fraud protection and they reimburse you. If you are doing it from your bank account (savings or checkings) then you should do the PayPay Buyer Protection. Anway, nothing special has been going on around here besides the rule change. And that hasn't really affected anything so it's basically the same.
  17. I'd say that's trust worthy because he has 99.3% approval. And since you're using Paypal, you can get coverage for upto a certain amount. And you can go to http://www.speakemulation.tk for a link to the radio show.
  18. I like Fritz Lang's Metropolis, does this anime have any relation to it? Like a homage or anything?
  19. It's probably on a p2p service. That'll all the help you can get.
  20. Well you should get whatever suits you and your pocket.
  21. Yes, Jerry is the central character who everone else revolves around. Or as Kramer calls him, the mayana (sp?) in The Opera episode. And then there is the episode The Dog where George and Elaine are forced to go out to see a movie without Jerry and they have a terrible time until both of them make fun of Jerry. Kramer, George, and Elaine wouldn't be as cool of characters if they weren't so attached to Jerry.
  22. Reppuken...definitely double reppuken. More specifically I like Geese's because it's so big and awesome. SNK, you love the word 'daft' don't you?
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