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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I've been reading about this game for the XBOX and it looks pretty interesting. It's by BioWare who are probably one of my favorite RPG developers out now since they're the people behind Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Anyway, this game is like a mix of RPG and fighting game where you can choose out of many fighting styles. Since many of you are fighting game fans, I was just wondering if any of you are planning on getting this game? Here's the link to the site if any of you are interested: http://jade.bioware.com/
  2. Well that's all great for me since it will all work on my PC then.
  3. Wow...I am blown away. That was just too cool. Good work!
  4. Because it's a horrible, absolutely filthy, foul, vulgar, obscene, vile word.
  5. Well I guess we won't have to worry about XBOX2 emulation anymore.
  6. Hehe, a picture of Jiggs at work. I wish I could do that.
  7. Well I didn't burn it on a CD so it didn't work fully. But I think the interface is great. Another thing...I really think you should contact the authors of the emulators you have in this loader and ask permission if you can bundle it with your software.
  8. I shall use my God given moderating powers to merge this thread with the "Hi, I'm new thread." Also, hello KoKouJoe, I hope you have a great time here.
  9. Obligatory slim joke: The PStwo is slimmer than Calista Flockheart!
  10. I read this article and found it rather interesting. We all know that XNA is a Microsoft package that allows for easy development between XBOX and PC but what was really interesting was this paragraph. Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/09/22/news_6108247.html So what'll be the point of getting the new console if you can just play the games on the PC and use the same peripherals? Am I just misinterpreting this? What do you guys think?
  11. Sweet! Did he/she/it beg for his/her/it's life?
  12. Ditto. I'm not that much of a jackass to actually steal or beat someone up... Count me in there too. Bunch of squares. Me and my friends still haven't outgrown the stealing thing. We don't steal merchendise but we take stuff like signs, things from restaurants, door knobs...etc. Door knobs? Are you people cleptomaniacs(sp?) of some sort? You can say that...though we've cooled off when my friend was caught stealing a faculty parking decal. What an idiot!
  13. Ditto. I'm not that much of a jackass to actually steal or beat someone up... Count me in there too. Bunch of squares. Me and my friends still haven't outgrown the stealing thing. We don't steal merchendise but we take stuff like signs, things from restaurants, door knobs...etc.
  14. Coldest thing I've done recently...can't really remember. But once we went to an expensive restaurant, ate a lot, and when one of our "friend" went to the bathroom, we took off and he was stuck with the bill. It was great.
  15. Frasier is great too, the last funny show on TV. I was never really fond of Friends, I watched Frasier instead.
  16. I wanna get high on PHP!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Hahaha...bunch of flocking morons.
  17. Hahaha! I want to genetically engineer my child to have 5 asses. Then we can all make fun of him/her/it for it.
  18. Oh wow, that's incredible. I guess you won't have much time for 1emu for a while after that. Congrats! I don't think I'll ever be ready for such a step...
  19. Those 2 are also really funny sitcoms. And good work Agozer, you win the prize!
  20. Oh, different colored PSPs...I was under the impression that Sony would only reveal the black one now.
  21. That's so cool...where does one find this toy?
  22. Oh man...that's so horrible. I feel horrible for thinking it's funny. He is 70 years old though... Monkey...wife...hahahahaahaha! It's a pity she died.
  23. Well I guess it hasn't blocked any yet. It'll only block when there is something to block.
  24. Yeah, this is a sad state of affairs. But you must keep in mind that there have always been people like this. It all comes down to the parents to teach their children from right and wrong and guide them through their early years. A child who has been taught properly by their parents would realize that all those rappers and such are fake and don't mean anything. All this responsibility lies on the parent(s)' shoulders. But in today's society where many households are broken with only one parent and multiple children it's hard to do all that...it's all flocked up. Since the entertainers (it's a stretch calling them that) are much more extreme than earlier times, the parents need to be more vigilant. The companies promoting these artists (a stretch to call them that too ) should take an active part in making sure that kids get the message that this is just music and nothing more. Every generation has had this sort of problem and it's just a fad. It'll die out (hopefully) and be replaced by something else. I mean, this kind of like the movie and video game violence affecting children debate. Kids watch and play the games but very few of them actually those things out.
  25. Emulation for PSP would be awesome but how would you burn them on those UMD to play on it? We can't even burn crap for the GameCube. I had to crop out the text in the picture that said "Buy a DS or I'll flocking kill you."
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