You know...I don't think I've done any really dumb things in the past year. I used to do a lot of that stuff in high school and the first college I went to but now I just study, go to work, and watch movies and play games with friends. There isn't much room to do stupid things there. But I did do a stupid thing at work a few weeks ago. I was making some media but I ran out of time since I had to go class so I placed the unfinished mixture AND the bacterial culture on a cart that was laying there. Little did I know that that cart was for stuff that needed to be autoclaved (a pressurized heating process that kills basically EVERYTHING.) So when I came back to finish my work, my media was ruined and my bacterial culture was dead. The media being ruined wasn't that big of a deal because I could make it again but the loss of the bacterial culture was HUGE. I was in a panic because I had to explain losing the bacterial culture to my professor but luckily before I told him, one of the other students told me that she was also working on the same bacteria so I was saved. That's about how exciting my life gets now...sad isn't it? But lately things have been better since my best friend is down here from Stanford visiting us. Everytime we go to restaurants or any public place, we always get stared because we laugh too loud and tell jokes that shouldn't be told in such a loud manner. Actually at this one place the waitress told us that several people complained about our volume and content of our speech and that if we didn't cut it out we'd have to leave. Apparantly those people don't find jokes about choking on feces, dick sucking gay vampires, and aborted fetus sushi that funny. Weird people...