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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I'm a big late for this but here goes nothing: MVS DUMP! MVS DUMP! MVS DUMP! I'm not into competative gaming so I want those damn fatalities.
  2. That's odd...I can access ABS just fine.
  3. PhuckIGN. A very cool name.
  4. I got to www.madienmasher.com for character stories and stuff.
  5. If they are OEM they won't. Only retail boxes comes with cables.
  6. Hmm...I never had that problem. But I don't have the save games on my computer anymore to try it out. Did you save your game recently? If so, go back to the latest save game (or the one right before it) and try it again. It's been so long since I've played that game...I will reinstall it tomorrow.
  7. Does anyone know of an extension that will let you reload a picture in the current screen without having to load the picture and then press the back button?
  8. http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ You won't regret it.
  9. Firefox kicks incomprehensible amounts of ass while IE sucks. Firefox is more secure than IE, its very customizable (looks and functionality through themes and extensions), great pop up blocker built in, and if there is ever a problem, a fix can be made and released within a day. Oh yeah, and its TABBED BROWSING! That's the greatest thing ever. It's just better. The only problem I have with Firefox is that it never remembers any of my favicons and it doesn't have a reload images thing, just View Image which opens the picture in the same tab instead of just reloading it.
  10. Wow!! What a line up! This is going to be a very interesting radio show, I will defintely listen. Wow...how did you get all those people?
  11. I didn't even know there were was a Nebula transparancy fix. I mean, just over the weekend did it become compatible with Nebula, somewhat.
  12. Most of the those registry buggers I have to get rid off in Safe Mode. But yeah, RegCleaner is also very important.
  13. That's a tough one. I like SpyBot the most.
  14. Some pics were already shown here: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8267 and another thread in the NeoGeo section. But the fact that its floating around somewhere is new. Go ForceX go!! P.S. Welcome back! Your presence is always great.
  15. Incubus - Summer Romance
  16. Hahahaha! This is great! This is a card game I wouldn't mind playing.
  17. I didn't even know about this mockumentary. I want to watch it now.
  18. That's why I like the PC online scene. A HUGE community. HUGE selection. And no extra charges except for MMOGs.
  19. Doesn't the speed depend on the interent connection you have at home? So the gameplay wouldn't be lagless for people on dial up? Or how does that work?
  20. No problem. Juno Reactor - Swamp Thing
  21. Psychological problems can be just as serious as genetic problems.
  22. gimme o.o Radiohead "The Bends" http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/download.php?view.46
  23. Doom III theme. It is teh own. tweaker is awesome.
  24. Hmmm...ok. I think the reasons why you disliked it is the reason why I and many other people liked it.
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