instead of going to a totally partesan site, why not go here instead ? -- Look up quotes of several political leaders and other famous people -- quotes that are good, bad and idiotic.. The Punkvoter site makes itself look pretty stupid by adding the "Dude its been more like 60 years" line, showing whoever designed the site doesnt understand the context of that quote. If youre gonna call someone out on what they said, ya better make sure you do it the right way. (BTW, Bush Senior and Clinton both have said some really funny stuff) Exactly. I can't stand these uninformed punk morons who think they're so clever and funny by just posting a bit of a quote. But miskie, Bush Jr. is president right now so who else are they going to make fun of? This is how most political attack ads work. Each party takes a bit of a quote, misrepresents it, and basically fools the public. And its very effective. After Bush launched his ads againt Kerry, the polls reflected that almost immediately. Don't be stupid and fall for these quote things. Do you research and figure out my Bush is a terrible president and he shouldn't be elected. I'll give a hint where to start. Start looking at how he got started in business and his business practices. You'll see a man that should not be allowed to run a company much less a country. See how he got out of getting in trouble for insider trading. It's fascinating stuff.