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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I forgot to mention that I absolutely hate teenagers and their complete lack of respect and decency when it comes to being courteous in a movie theater. I got stuck next to a bunch and half way through the movie I leaned over and said "Hey you shitwads shut the flock up." It worked.
  2. ok, I'm going to try to explain this to you the nicest and best way I can. When you type out you/your as "u" and "ur," you sound stupid and immature. Not only that, but it is very lazy and it shows that you have no respect for other users here since you can't put in such little effort as typing 2 extra characters. Now I know that your sig says "Not good with words so don't flame me base on my post ," and I mean sure, if English isn't your first language then I could understand, but that's no excuse for how you type like that. I mean seriously, stop doing that. wat iz ur problm wit ryuken
  3. I just got back from it and I thought it was a pretty damn good movie. I thought CG and effects were pretty subpar but the rest was good stuff.
  4. What bullshit. Funny ALL the time more like it. Dry humor is great. Much respect to Agozer from me. He is quite the mummy.
  5. What type of beer do you drink? I've tried to start getting into beers since at most social events you're more likely to find beer (cheap). I'm not too into the taste but I'm definitely more acclimated to it now. I tried a Guiness Extra Stout and I felt naseous.
  6. Gah I see chicks like that at the gym. It's so strange.
  7. Everyone does beta testing. But I find the idea that this game may not come out on both consoles fairly preposterous. That video gaming market has changed so much that you have to target both consoles.
  8. You liked TimeShift that much? I enjoyed the demo a bit so I look forward to getting it when it's a bit cheaper.
  9. All the big releases have come out so now should be a fair time for us to pick GOTYs. So list your (up to) 10 favorite games of the year in ranking order (ascending or descending, it doesn't matter but it should be ranked) and please include the system. Then also list your SINGLE favorite Game of the Year. These are all PC games so I'm not writing PC after each one. 8. Bioshock 7. The Witcher (haven't gotten too far but it is awesome) 6. Call of Duty 4 5. STALKER 4. Portal 3. Team Fortress 2 2. Half-life 2: Episode 2 1. Crysis If you count the Orange Box as one entity then my ranking would be: 6. Bioshock 5. The Witcher 4. Call of Duty 4 3. STALKER 2. Crysis 1. The Orange Box GAME OF THE YEAR: The Orange Box
  10. Self-directed learning and discovery is one of the most important things a person can do. If you are unwilling to do that then you should ashamed. Shame is a great motivator. It's harsh, but true. Not enough people have shame for being ignorant anymore which led to little desire to improve. This isn't physics or pharmacokinetics, this is basic stuff. If you're going to steal something then atleast know something about it.
  11. It doesn't affect some people. However, no matter how you try to spin it or make it seem like it doesn't bug you, it's still a disgusting video with horrible actions and if you can't see that then you are dumb.
  12. That sounds like it can get pretty hectic. Atleast people get to call you Dispatch. "Dispatch, come in come in. Over"
  13. ahh where's Ghosty when we need him. I actually felt pretty bad for being so harsh on him about that incident. It was fairly funny but being on a free board I didn't want the forum to be closed down. I honestly don't think anyone would have even noticed. That stuff would have been totally OK, and encourage, on 7Words (RIP).
  14. What exactly is it that you do do if you don't mind me asking? If you are able to reveal it of course. Can anyone see the movie reference in that sentence?
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