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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I'll treat you like n00b my dear Fatal. Ah yes, suvo...quite possibly the most annoying poster we ever had.
  2. No, I don't have anything from 2emu.
  3. Gears of War is for XP and Vista. The combat looks tedious. The free roaming on foot is the only attractive part of the game for me. I'm not paying $50 to run up walls.
  4. Uniracers for SNES. I felt that game doesn't have the exposure it should.
  5. lol http://www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com/200...oeyporsche.html
  6. It started as a religious thing but now I just don't eat out of habit.
  7. I don't eat beef. Or pork. But I definitely long for a burger or a steak. Someone should make that and report back.
  8. Reminds me of Buckethead without the mask. I like your post Belthasar. It makes a lot of sense. I have no pictures of my childhood or even from now. I'll try my best to stop being camera shy.
  9. Hahaha! No need to see pics of you defecating.
  10. Man I haven't had ramen in forever. I'm craving it dor some reason right now.
  11. Heck yeah. I love candy corn. Maybe too much. (Looks at spare tire.) Ugh, candy corn is disgusting. I stocked up on the mini Reese's cups.
  12. sup dudes wuts going on in this post count thread
  13. These guys aren't just jocks though, they're douchebags! Look how ridiculous they look.
  14. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about getting the game only because Jade Raymond is hot. The gameplay looks pretty tedious I think. The free running lots hot but the rest isn't too impressive. I can't stand that stupid futuristic flashy thing that happens a lot in the game.
  15. Are you serious about this or joking? I'm finding it hard to tell the difference now. I've been reading that all over the internet and I hope to god it isn't true.
  16. This is such a great site. It provides me with many lols.
  17. I haven't even heard of this site till now. That shows you how out of the loop I am.
  18. Now that I live alone I want to learn to cook and make more stuff than omelettes and sandwiches all the time. I can make these chicken gravy thing that you make from a packet and that's good but it takes a lot of time. What can you guys cool and what you love to make?
  19. There is no Jack in the Box near where I live. When I go to Houston I'll check it out since there is one right by where my dad lives.
  20. The Hellgate demo is HORRIBLE. I just got invited to the beta so I'm downloading the client right now but I don't expect it to be too much better. So that game is crossed off my list. I'm not too interested in Assassin's Creed anymore since the combat looks tedious and the AI doesn't look too hot. The FEAR expansion pack has some of the most bland and boring level design I have ever seen. Yes, it's even more bland than the original game. The Call of Duty 4 demo was really fun and polished but it was just more CoD so I'll probably wait for a price drop till I get it. I hear the multiplayer is really hot but I have TF2 to keep my busy in that department. Gears of War should be hot. However, I probably won't be getting UT3. The demo really turned me off from the game because I really hate the art style. Not to mention the integration with Gamespy and that horrid UI. Also, I'm sure this will be like the other UTs and be popular for like a month and then only played by a bunch of hardcore people who I have no desire to play with. Yet again, TF2 will keep me busy in the MP department. Guitar Hero is something I would NOT play on a PC. That's definitely a console, have fun with lots of people on a large screen TV type game. Plus I suck a lot at Guitar Hero. I think Blacksite is going to be another generic FPS so I'm not really looking forward to it. I'll need to play a demo to really judge it though. But the current media release has not gotten me excited. I don't really care about non-Blizzard or Relic strategy games so I'm not looking forward to AoE III expansion or EEIII. Although the EEIII world domination mode or whatever it's called is intriguing. The only game I'm really looking forward to on that list is Crysis. The single player demo is coming out this Friday so I'll know whether or not to get it. The other game that I'm really looking forward to on PC next month is Kane and Lynch. I love IO Interactive games so I'm definitely waiting for that. Also, The Witcher is going to rock but that technically comes out this month (Oct. 30, I think) but that's close enough to November.
  21. Wiz, I totally dig your hair. I wish I could do that. Same with you Mooney. My hair just will not grow long like that. Mine grows into a mullet. Anyway...finally I shall reveal myself. However, it is a photoshop of me. This is currently my Facebook pic. Here is the reference photograph. I don't really smile like that or smoke. Ugh. I thought I would never do that. It's the end of an era. Also, GameCop will most probably NEVER reveal himself. The man wears mittens for reviews so no one can see his skin.
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