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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I used to be a PC elitist and I then I realized how incredibly flocking stupid it was.
  2. Nice to know you're STD free, Fatal. Stay that way.
  3. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/hal...view&page=1 http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/821/821911p1.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/25484.html
  4. Blood is an excellent excellent game. It has some of the best weapons ever in a game. Blood 2 was OK at best, I think.
  5. Sup guys, It's been kind of dead here lately so might as well start another useless thread, right? What's going on in your life that's exciting you? Me? It's Team Fortress 2 and the soon to be released Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and Portal. Also, I'm looking forward to The Witcher and Kane & Lynch. I don't think there are any movies coming soon that I have really caught my eye but I haven't really had time to pay attention. Eastern Promises looks good but I don't have time to go to the movies anymore. All fun time I have is poured into video games. :/ I've also got my second test coming up on Oct. 9th which is going to suck. It's flocking Saturday night and I'm studying.
  6. Cool. I have a shitass 27" SDTV. Atleast it's flat.
  7. Now that I think of it, I actually do feel bad for Bellick. I remember I felt very bad for the character when in season 2 we learned that he lives alone with his old mother and he was about to kill himself. But he's still a piece of crap.
  8. I like T-Bag. Well not like what he or the kind of criminal he is but I think it's important for the show to have a truly flocked up psychopath like him.
  9. lol http://www.tshirthell.com/store/product.php?productid=992
  10. Ok, I just watched the episode and I agree with pretty much your entire assessment. Although I do enjoy how crappy Brad Bellick is being treated.
  11. Not to mention he is actually a very good actor so even if he didn't go through that in his life he could probably act it out.
  12. Thanks for reminding me that I need to download it.
  13. I just to say that Team Fortress 2 rules.
  14. I, too, agree with BlackKnight. Act like an ass, get treated like an ass.
  15. I bet they are. A skrewed up actor as Tony Stark. What? Robert Downy Jr. would be the best person to play Tony Stark.
  16. I like the first one. I like Blackstar.
  17. It had neat effects, I'll give it that much. But the underlying gameplay felt really sloppy. Hardboiled is one of my favorite action movies so it doesn't help that this sequel the the movie sucks ass.
  18. So I played the PC demo and my god the game is horrible. It feels like the first Matrix game.
  19. I watching TV and a DiRT commercial had just come on before I heard of this news. Sucks for the family.
  20. I'm not a huge Diablo fan so I am not really interested in this game. Gameplay videos looked kind of boring to me.
  21. Nintendo's Wii has taken over Microsoft's XBOX 360 in console sales this generation, 9 million vs. 8.9 million. This is number of consoles sold to consumers, not the amount sold to retailers (a dubious figure that Microsoft loves to throw out). What took Microsoft almost 2 years, Nintendo did it in almost 1. And Wii sales don't seem to be slowing down any while XBOX sales have basically flatlined (or reduced) for quite a while. Perhaps Halo 3 will bump up sales for Microsoft but I don't think it will be enough to offset any of Nintendo's sales. This holiday season is going to be very interesting. Remember when everyone thought the Wii was going to flop? http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/48914 And of course Sony is lagging far behind.
  22. No, Gwenyth Paltrow. This movie is too good for Jessica Alba's horrible acting.
  23. If you want to be part of the Team Fortress 2 "beta" then go to Steam and pre-purchase the Orange Box before Monday. $45 for Ep. 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal is a very sweet deal for me. I put beta in quotes because betas these days are glorified demos.
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