Well, it's considered the legal way (if anybody is interested). how exactly? does SNK officially endorse it? do they rent their games to sites like these? IMO they should name it GameTRAP SNK gets a cut from the monthly fees for giving GameTap the license to use their games. All companies who have games on GameTap get money for it. Well, it's considered the legal way (if anybody is interested). Considering the matter that emulation is free and currently legal to use. I don;t see much of a difference of what being more legal. Indeed the only thing not being legal apart of emulation is only the users behalf of obtaining illegal non-owned games aka roms, iso's, gcm's, xbe's,and so on. Emulators are legal but downloading the games are not, just like you mention. What GameTap does is let you play the games legally. Forget about how it's done because it is not important, it's only about letting people play old games that you can't find anymore. The fees are for playing the games. How hard is that to understand?