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Posts posted by NeoMaster

  1. *Most* of my friends are educated enough not to click on those popups and scripts and whatnot.


    Wait a minute....if you don't click on them, how would you close them??


    You use firefox, so they don't open in the first place. :blink:

    I know most of you think FireFox is the best thing against that kind of stuff but I'm a little iffy about the program. I use it and all and it's great, but just last week I did a full virus scan of my pc and I found a AdWare file that has potential danger within the FireFox folder...any idea what that is?

  2. face it neomaster if it has boobs then ur just addicted to por n and just besure not to wack off with it to much :blink:

    Why must you think so lowly of me??! :P

    I have no idea what this game is like, but my first thought was "Porn Tycoon."

    It's like The Sims and uses it core build. You have parties, run the magazine and get Girlfriends.

  3. First question: Do your palms sweat while playing it?

    Second question: Does the game have "enough" eye-candy?

    Third question: Do you play as Hugh Hefner or some unknown, run-of-the-mill average joe?

    Question 1 Answered: That is dirty and they are dry as a bone. :blink:

    Question 2 Answered: No, it's pretty like Sims 2 Graphics...the girls are OKAY rendered.

    Question 3 Answered: You play as young hef and try to build your empire starting with the basic mansion.

  4. I watched only a few minutes of the first episode of this anime..and was like bleh. It didn't really interest me. But after I saw a few pics of the anime where the characters were in samurai times, it tickled my attention. Is it worth getting? Like, does it compare to the goodness of Rurouni Kenshin?

    Well, hard to say really... There is moresword-action is later episodes. Just watch the first 3 or 4, then make your decision.


    I'm more a storywise kind of viewer :D Action is great and everything but I totally respect an anime with good characters, emotional scenes and riveting storylines.

  5. I watched only a few minutes of the first episode of this anime..and was like bleh. It didn't really interest me. But after I saw a few pics of the anime where the characters were in samurai times, it tickled my attention. Is it worth getting? Like, does it compare to the goodness of Rurouni Kenshin?

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